Sydney Research

Intercessors for Australia (coordinated by Noel & Barbara Bell) have kindly provided a report on their Sydney Research (Second Draft – May, 1990).

Please feel free to read and use this spiritual mapping of Sydney – the earliest foundations of the nation of Australia. You have the permission to print it and distribute it without charge to your network, provided you retain acknowledgement of the source: freely received freely given.

The chapters of the report are available separately via the links below (note: these are PDF files, most of  them large).

  • 0 – Cover, Contents, Preface, Introduction & Postscript by Noel & Barbara Bell (230Kb file).
  • 1 – Aboriginal Background by Elaine Ayers (790K file) – a good summary of the (tragic) history of Sydney Aboriginals and some details of general Aboriginal culture and beliefs.
  • 2 – Influence of Early Settlers by Audrey Brown (500K file), which gives insights into the governance of the early colony in Sydney.
  • 3 – Early Church History by Michael & Joy Morgan, and Noel Bell of Intercessors for Australia (1.4M file); worth reading if you want to understand some of the history of the Church here in Sydney and the difficulties and opposition they encountered – much of the current apathy to the Church has deep roots.
  • 4 – Business World by Jill Henderson (500K file), which describes the economic climate, persons and foundations of the early colony in Sydney.
  • 5 – Freemasonry written by Shiela Bowden (470K file). Shiela provides an insight into the Masonic roots of Sydney and many of its founders.
  • 6 – Sex, Alcohol & Gambling written by Norma Buckingham, and Michael & Joy Morgan (460K file). “Difficult to separate ‘sex, alcohol and gambling’. So treated as one subject…”
  • 7 – Woolloomooloo Area written by Denise Burden (100K file), noting the rise and fall of fortunes (and morals) of landholders in Woolloomooloo during the early days of the colony.
  • 8 – Sydney Crime History (450Kb file) has been documented by Sheila Miller – she describes the early history of crime and corruption in the colony, the Rum Corps, the shift from reforming convicts to using them, and the history of the NSW Police.
  • 9 – The Occult & New Age written by Michael & Joy Morgan (1.2M file) – witchcraft and the New Age movements, and their roots in Sydney.

2 comments for “Sydney Research

  1. Manijeh Fatollahi
    10/04/2022 at 6:42 pm

    During COVID; my region in Los Angeles California faced similar situations such as other regions.

  2. ray robinson
    31/07/2021 at 4:23 pm

    Yes that is great and note that some of those authors faced life threatening circumstances at times.

    Brian Pickering (APN) would have similar research over many regional towns and particularly in the Hunter Valley (NSW).

    Ps. Dan Armstrong would be able to direct you to research and mapping of Canberra that was done in about 1987. I would expect that Noel and Barbara may also have a copy.

    Note that it is now 30 years later and this information may well require updating before any Holy Spirit led assignments are carried out.

    Yours truly did one for Wollongong(NSW) 2002.

    The Canberra and Wollongong research included Measuring Lines of Justice and Plumb Lines of Righteousness (Isaiah 28: 17). Intercessors are encouraged to consider honouring these names for our Yahweh has called them so for His Kingdom reasons. These lines are also called ‘Geomancy’ by Architects, Town Planners and Freemasons = alignment of natural features with mankind built = Canberra deliberately so.; The term “ley line” was introduced by an Englishman in 1920 for what the Celts practiceded = the integration of Geomancy and the spiritual.

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