
The Prayer Strategy for the Spheres of Influence provides a range of training on many topics on Transformation. Our mission is to see Jesus glorified and to bring unity across the church, family and marketplace.

Through this Prayer Strategy, we continue to serve the church and the body of Christ across Australia and overseas. Our young generation are not interested the way our beloved intercessors prayed in the past. People are busy with their modern lives, we need to keep the prayers of the saints alive. God given us a new strategy to help people establish prayer groups wherever they are. Each one of you can be a witness to Christ, uphold your uni, school, family, business and the whole marketplace in your prayers.

Since 2008 we have been praying for the spheres of influence in our society, many people now are already establishing prayer groups Australia to pray monthly and run forums, we have seen true breakthrough all these years and we want to encourage all churches, prayer groups, Christian organisations across Australia and overseas to adopt this strategy and encourage all members of the church to be witness to the gospel. Basically everywhere, and everyone (Adults and children) to pray.

A list of our training is here – we are working together to transform all cities and regions to Jesus. E.g. an approach to pray for Government by Portfolio.

We are happy to travel to support you in establishing these prayer initiatives.

For example

  • Praying monthly for each sphere since 2008, e.g. using prayer calendars and newsletters.
  • Running forums/workshops to equip disciples within that sphere to take the Kingdom with them:
    • to pray
    • lead their own groups and forums to discuss the Kingdom, and
    • confidently preach (live) the gospel

Below are some examples also on Marketplace forums

  • What is the Marketplace and how can you make a difference in the Marketplace within your sphere of influence
  • Being an Ambassador of the Kingdom in our Daily Occupation
  • Prayer and Intercession for businesses and organisations…
  • Training on Spiritual Warfare for businesses and organisations
  • ‘Build a community to reach a community’ (Personal, Family and Community Transformation)
  • Connecting the Church and the Marketplace
  • How to use the Beatitudes to change the culture of the spheres of influence in our society
  • Healing and Wellbeing Forums (Mind, Body and Soul)
  • Mission in the Marketplace – your work IS your mission
  • How to establish Prayer Meetings for your church and business & training on spiritual warfare for Business
  • Spiritual Gifts and Transformation
  • Breaking the Habit with Christ (this session will be led by Christian psychologists): providing awareness of drug habits and addiction, gambling, suicide, etc

We also do private coaching on intercession and spiritual warfare and how to conquer the stronghold of the enemy.

Lilian Schmid

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Ephesians 6:12)

2 comments for “Strategy

  1. 14/07/2024 at 10:20 pm

    You are doing great work may the lord bless in Jesus Christ name

  2. Adonai
    11/11/2019 at 2:06 pm

    Keep up the good work

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