Prayer Triplets

This year 2018 we are encouraging you our brothers and sisters everywhere to join with two others and form a ‘prayer triplet’ to pray for each other and for the spiritual needs of your community under the will of God ‘on earth as it is in heaven’.

What are Prayer Triplets?

The idea of Prayer triplets is of course not new, but a well-established way for Christians to impact the world in prayer.

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” [Matthew 18:19-20]

From “PRAYER TRIPLETS” by Healthcare Christian Fellowship Singapore…

Thinking in Threes

Brian Mills, prayer and revival secretary of the Evangelical Alliance of Britain, was given the task of formulating a prayer strategy for Mission England. As he prayed over several months, he started to think in threes – ”If only Christians could get together in groups of three to pray for their non-Christian neighbours and friends,” he reasoned, ”they would then be able to answer their own prayers as God lead them to share their faith naturally.”

Through triplets, many individuals and churches rediscovered the reality of intercessory prayer. Within triplets, relationships deepened; and as they saw God answering prayers, faith strengthened, spiritual growth took place, and interest in reaching the lost increased.

Three people coming together before God at regular, short intervals will see many life-changing effects. Burdens lifted, fears gone, conditions at work and at home improved. People coming to know Christ; and faith in a loving, caring God strengthened and confirmed.”

(Read the full article at

Why Prayer Triplets?

  • It is not difficult to regularly connect and pray with two other people
  • Three is better than two as If one is absent for a meeting, the other two can continue
  • Two or three people can easily meet anywhere, you can even connect via phone, etc.
  • Having others pray with you keeps you accountable to each other and will help you all to grow
  • Three ensures there is always a third party if there is a disagreement between two (to pray and seek agreement)

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” [Ecclesiastes 4:12]

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” [Ephesians 6:12]

How to Form a Prayer Triplet

  • Agree with two other people (e.g. two colleagues at work) to meet regularly for prayer (and make it clear this time is dedicated to pray and is not for socialising, fellowship, etc. – do that afterwards!)
  • Connect with each other through skype, phone, facebook or meet over coffee and pray together.
  • Get together for 5–10 minutes at a specific time and location maybe once a week, or at least once a month.

What to Pray For

Remember that prayer is for PEOPLE; although people are affected by their circumstances and certainly we may pray for circumstances, only PEOPLE have eternal souls.

  • Pray for God’s will to be done – Matthew 6:10 “your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
  • Pray for the needs and direction of yourself and your 2 prayer partners.
  • Pray for specific needs of people on your list
  • Pray for salvation of souls – John 3:36 ”whoever believes in the Son has eternal life…”
  • Pray that you and the non-believers you are praying for will discover the reality of God’s love in Christ – 1 John 4:10 ”This is love; not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”

Remember time is short and therefore be alert to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, who may cause you to focus prayers on just one or two items.

Focus on:

  • Worship
  • Prayer
  • Thanksgiving

Each month we dedicate prayers for people in the spheres below:

  1. Family
  2. Church (Ecclesia)
  3. Government and the Military
  4. Trade and Finance (Business)
  5. Law and Justice
  6. Religion and Philosophy
  7. Arts
  8. Education
  9. Charity and Not for Profit Welfare
  10. Health and Science
  11. Media and Entertainment
  12. Sport and Recreation

You may wish to include these also or focus on your sphere of influence.


  • The Love of the Father
  • The Love of the Son
  • The Love of the Holy Spirit

Lord, you said that when two or three
would gather together in your name,
then you would be present with them.
I am uniting myself
with many individual Christians
throughout the world
who, though separate,
are gathered together in another sense
to pray to you,
we trust that you are with us Lord

More Background on Prayer Triplets

The Value and Impact of Triplet Praying

John Robb, IPC Chairman

I am recommending Prayer Triplets as part of our national prayer strategy for the USA and also to various international ministries we are in touch with. As Brian Mills has put it:

“It came from God and was in Scripture long before we appropriated it! Moses with Aaron and Hur in Exodus 17, Jesus with Peter, James and John on the Mount of transfiguration and in Gethsemane, and of course Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 18:19-20 (He’s always in the midst when we pray). God seems to think in threes – Father Son and Holy Spirit. ‘Two are better than one and a three-fold cord is not quickly broken’!   So all glory to Him.” 

As a prayer mobilization model, I think it would be of great blessing and benefit to many organizations and to the wider population of believers and churches as well. It is a sustainable way to mobilize prayer at the grassroots and in every social sphere. So simple and based on Matthew 18:18-20. With cell phones now in everyone’s hands, it can easily be practiced when folks are in different places as well.

Brian Mills on Triplet Praying

From “God is Still Speaking”, published by Sovereign World Ltd and authored by Brian Mills.
“God Told Me: Prayer Triplets & Cells for Growth”

The Holy Spirit was leading to me to think of threes meeting together in neighbourhoods, colleges, schools, businesses, praying for those they had most contact with who were not Christians.  Praying together in threes meant that they could encourage one another by praying for each other’s friends, as well as their own.  They could be praying for each other when they knew that something positive and active was going on.  This would be an active, regular weekly commitment.

Neighbourhood Prayer Triplets (look under Resources / Pray / Prayer Triplet Guide)

A twelve week guide, which teaches on prayer, but helps you pray in a prayer group with at least two other Christians for your street and theirs.


Why form a prayer triplet?

Throughout the Scriptures, we read of God calling his people to work together. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob travelled with their families; Moses worked with Aaron to lead the captive Israelites to freedom; the prophets worked in ‘companies’; King David fought alongside his troop of mighty men … and of course Jesus had 12 disciples. What’s more, the imagery the New Testament writers use to describe the Church is always plural: parts of a body, soldiers in an army, members of a Family, ambassadors on a mission. Jesus sent his disciples out in twos, and Paul always travelled with companions when he planted churches. Though our own individual relationship with God is vitally important, when it comes to reaching the world around us, the single-handed approach isn’t enough. We need each other, and we are at our most effective when we work together. 

Praying for our neighbourhoods is likely to be a long journey, and like any journey, it is better travelled together:

• Companions encourage us when we get tired and discouraged
• They help us dream bigger dreams than we might on our own
• They help us hear God more clearly
• They help us turn our prayers into actions

In prayer, we’re using the authority God has given us as his children and ambassadors to bring change to our communities. Jesus said that authority should be used in groups praying in agreement.

8 comments for “Prayer Triplets

  1. 22/01/2020 at 12:56 am

    I am the pastor of the Evangelistic Intercessory Church in Liberia.
    I appreciate your effort in standing in the gap for people. More Grace.

  2. pastor Charles
    01/06/2018 at 8:37 pm

    Prayer is the key to our success in the kingdom of God I appreciate what you are doing and am a part of you.
    Yours in Christ

    • lilian schmid
      09/09/2018 at 10:56 pm

      Thank you Ps Charles, God bless you

  3. Vicki Moody -B.
    08/01/2018 at 8:24 am

    Hi ….We are thankful 4 yr encouragement …

    • Vicki Moody -B.
      08/01/2018 at 8:26 am

      We live in Australia and have phone prayer meetings called political prayer awareness …but the prayer triplet idea is blessed so thank you …

    • lilian schmid
      09/09/2018 at 10:56 pm

      Thank you Vicki, God bless you, we give Jesus the Glory. Amen

    • Daniel
      12/01/2021 at 8:04 am

      From the beginning of listening the triplets I was emotionally taken. I pray for what I saw done by them and their Parents.
      I still not forgot the day my daughter was taken from me, I love her allway and now I’m motivated by the triplets and also I’m in support of praying in three.
      I ask prayers for I’m full of mercy, sympathy and more wish to glorify God . Help me with prayers to have I initiatives and do as I’m supposed.

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