Just a small reminder that the articles on this website reflect the opinion and witness of the respective authors, which may or may not align with your own; consider this with Ephesians 4:1-7 in mind.Bjorn & Lilian Schmid Praying for…
Category: Government & the Military
Resources and posts related to the domain or sphere of Government and the Military.
Government and the Military in 2024
Praying for Your Government In 2014 the Lord put in our hearts to start two prayer initiatives, “Adopt a Senator” and “Adopt an MP”, where we encouraged Christians in Australia to choose one member from each of the houses in…
Government and the Military in 2023
Pray for Government and Military 2023 (by Rev. Siegfried Tomazsewski) Let me open with a commonly known scripture before I share what I believe God has put on my heart for this month’s prayer. “I exhort therefore, that, first of…
Pray for Government and the Military 2022
Prayers for Politics (by Annie Cathcart) I have been involved in INTERCESSORY prayer for over 20 years now and in my journey I have always been very passionate about praying for Australia. I have followed all the national prayer networks…
Pray for Government 2021
(by Lilian Schmid, January 2021, an extract from the document 40 Days Prayer and Fasting for the 7 Mountains or Spheres of Influence) Both Father God’s power (internal ideas and principles) and form (external frameworks and structures) are necessary for…
Praying for Government by Portfolio
(prepared by Lilian Schmid) We started this initiative in 2014; our focus is on the Government by each Portfolio, and we continue to ask our Lord God for His wisdom, strength, power, motivation, and all energies to continue our mission…
Prayers for the Sphere of Government and the Military
(prepared by Lilian Schmid) These strategies have been given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ and for His glory – please share with others as God leads you. Pray with Confidence Here is the verse where a powerful piece…
Pray for Government and the Military
Government and the Military – March 2019 (Reviewed by Marie Ficarra, Des Higgs, Ps. Barbara Miller and Bjorn Schmid) “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven…
Prayers for Government and the Military
Praying for the Sphere of Government and the Military Prepared by Lilian Schmid Let us read together the scriptures below and meditate on them. This verse contains a powerful piece of revelation that is given to us by the Lord:…
Adopt a Senator and Member of Parliament (MP)
Praying for the Australian Government (by Lilian Schmid, January 2014) “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful…