Prayers for Government and the Military

Praying for the Sphere of Government and the Military

Prepared by Lilian Schmid

Let us read together the scriptures below and meditate on them. This verse contains a powerful piece of revelation that is given to us by the Lord:

“Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:19)

Jesus Himself will actually be in the midst of us believers who are praying in agreement and in union with one another to God the Father, this also means Jesus is hearing our prayers loud and clear. And because Jesus is hearing this loud and clear, then those of us believers peaying together will have a very good chance on getting our prayer answered by God the Father.

”His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 3:10).

Who should we pray for?

  • Federal Government: the Prime Minister, cabinet, individual ministers and their portfolios, leader of the Opposition, all MPs and Senators from parties and independent, both houses of parliament, parliamentary staff
  • The Governor-General and the Queen
  • The diplomatic service; ambassadors, diplomats and their staff
  • Protection services: Border protection, Army, Navy and Air Force heads and services, all serving members and previously serving members
  • RSL clubs, and other support services for members of the military
  • State & Territory Governments; premier, cabinet, ministers, MPs – from parties and independent, parliamentary staff
  • State Governors
  • The public service and commissions, ministry departments, committees and regulatory bodies
  • Municipal and local government: mayors, town clerks, executives, aldermen and staff

How should we pray for them?

  • Pray for their salvation.
  • Pray specifically that the Lord will send people to them who can witness to them.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will convict them to repent and confess their sins.
  • Pray for them for pure lives and good wisdom.
  • Pray for their families (spouses and children) and for their salvation.
  • Pray that God will intervene in their daily duties.
  • Pray that God reveals His truth and open their eyes to run this nation with integrity and respect.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will pour out the love of God into their lives so they will be transformed.
  • Pray that they rule our nation with honesty and let God’s hands be upon them in their daily lives.
  • Pray that the plans of those who are involved in plots and unholy conspiracies will be broken.
  • Pray against the spirit of Jezebel in Government.
  • Pray and resist the influence of the evil powers on the lives of individuals in Jesus’ Name.
  • Pray to Break the strongholds of the Evil One in politics and in individual’s lives.
  • Pray to break the evil plans of Satan in the hearts of people in positions of authority.
  • Pray that leaders will realise that they were appointed by God and that He gave them authority so that they will act responsibly and that they will they will have to give account to God of everything that they do.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will capture their thoughts and that He will dominate their thinking.

Biblical verses to pray for our Government and its leaders:

  • Psalm 22:28 “For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations.”
  • Romans 13:1 “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.”
  • 1 Peter 2:17, 1 Timothy 2:1-15, Proverbs 11:14, Proverbs 21:1, Proverbs 28:2, Jeremiah 29:7
  • Matthew 12:25, Romans 13:1-14, Titus 3:1-2, Job 12:23-25, Psalms 2:1-4, 10-12
  • 2 Chronicles 7:14, Daniel 2:20-23, Daniel 9:18-19

See also the initiative “Adopt a Senator and an MP” – choose one federal MP (House of Representatives) and One Senator in the Australian parliament to pray for each day.

Praying for Government by Portfolio

Continuing to uphold our Government in prayer, we will also focus on the Australian Government by each Portfolio.

From ‘Government by portfolio” at

“A portfolio is a minister’s area of responsibility as a member of Cabinet. As a general rule, there is one department in each portfolio.

Each government department has its own departmental website with ministers and parliamentary secretaries often having their own websites as well. Within each portfolio there are also numerous agency and program websites.”

You can find a current list and links to the websites for each federal Government portfolio at the link above.

Ask our God to give us wisdom, strength, power, motivation, all energies for this mission to pray for each Portfolio in turn and the leaders and gate-keepers in each.

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