What is Prayer Walking? (Compiled by Lilian Schmid, from numerous resources) Prayer Walking falls under a category of prayer called Intercession. Intercession is praying on behalf of others; bringing their needs before the Lord as if they were your own.…
Author: admin
Adopt a Senator and Member of Parliament (MP)
Praying for the Australian Government (by Lilian Schmid, January 2014) “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful…
Newsletter for 4th Quarter 2017
PSSI-Newsletter-2017-Q4 In this edition… From the National Coordinators Our Hearts His Birthplace “There was heard on earth a sound whose loveliness excelled that of the heavenly choirs soon to invade the lives of sleepy shepherds.” John Krahn Celebrating Christmas. Biblical…
Prayers for the Church
Praying for the Church Prepared by Lilian Schmid Let’s join together as one body, pick up the Shield of Faith and the Sword of the Spirit as we take our place on the front lines and stand in the gap…
Prayers for Families and Marriages
Prayer for Families and Marriages of Leaders From Gillian Bullock: Father God we come into your presence today and declare The Glory of Our Lord all around us, we so appreciate your love that has been spread abroad in our…
Prayer Triplets
This year 2018 we are encouraging you our brothers and sisters everywhere to join with two others and form a ‘prayer triplet’ to pray for each other and for the spiritual needs of your community under the will of God…
Newsletter for 3rd Quarter 2017
PSSI-Newsletter-2017-Q3 In this edition… From the National Coordinators Real Hate “The cross is the one place in history where human beings openly treat God as they think he deserves! But… it is clear that however God hates sin he in…
Newsletter for 2nd Quarter 2017
PSSI Newsletter 2017 Q2 In this edition… From the National Coordinators God’s Way – The Only Way “An increasing number of people are struggling to find meaning, purpose and satisfaction in their lives and experiencing a high level of fear…
Newsletter for 1st Quarter 2017
PSSI Newsletter 2017 Q1 In this edition… From the National Coordinators – Daily Prayer Calendar – Pentecost Eve 2017 What Can I Give to the Lord? “In our ignorance instead of worshipping the creator God we were offering our adoration…