Education in 2023

Taking Back What the Enemy Stole from Me 

(by Marina Maria) 

Our children’s crusade song, Enemy’s Camp Song, by Lindell Cooley echoed throughout the Fort Apache reservation, Cedar Creek, Arizona by native children, ages 4-6 on June 6th-9th [2023]. The powerful lyrics and declaration song was sung every night with motions inside a one room, brick building and in a remote, woodsy area of the reservation. There were two other one room and open-door separate buildings that had an adult and a youth service occurring simultaneously during those days. 

The song’s lyrics said, 
“Well, I went to the Enemy’s Camp, 
I took back what he stole from me, 
 I took back what he stole from me, 
 I took back what he stole from me, 
 Well, I went to the Enemy’s Camp 
 and I took back what he stole from me. 
 He’s under my feet, 
 he’s under my feet, 
 He’s under my feet, 
 he’s under my feet, 
 Satan is under my feet.” 

At first, the children did not understand the powerful meaning behind the repeated lyrics, “I took back what he stole from me” until I explained to them that the devil has stolen many blessings from them like their hope, their family, peace, joy, love, for many generations. Yet, as a Child of God now, they can take the blessings back. The second time they sang and motioned the song with the authority of Jesus Christ and their facial expressions changed from weakness to strength. They motioned this by reaching out their hands in front of them and pulling back everything Satan had stolen from them. 

as a Child of God now, they can take the blessings back … They motioned this by reaching out their hands in front of them and pulling back everything Satan had stolen from them.

I planned on using some technology resources but since there was no Wi-Fi connection in the Fort Apache reservation, I taught the word with simple paper visuals, hand motions, and doing a skit. I felt insecure without using my PowerPoint lessons because it had all my visuals and worship songs for the lessons. At moments, I thought the children were not listening because at times I used my tambourine to regain their attention and they copied my instrumental rhythm with hand claps. Afterwards, I asked them questions about the lesson and many children raised their hand to respond, so this confirmed their engagement and understanding. 

The children learned about their identity in Christ Jesus and being created in the image of God, Genesis 1:27, God’s love (John 15:9), Psalm 139:14, repentance, the importance of constant prayer, 1 Thessalonians 5:17. They also heard the story about Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) and the spiritual blessings Christians receive for being adopted into God’s family mentioned by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 1:3-14. 

We planned to use different songs so the children could sing and worship the Lord, but the sound system at the reservation was missing a cord so the only worship songs we sang were the Enemy’s Camp and Alleluia. However, on the last night the missing cord appeared, and the children worshipped the Lord with the song, Holy Spirit by Kim Walker. Little hands were stretched to the heavens and eyes were closed and focused on the Lord. 

I thought it was going to be a challenge to get ninety-seven children to worship the Lord, but it was not. God had prepared their hearts for worship.

I thought it was going to be a challenge to get ninety-seven children to worship the Lord, but it was not. God had prepared their hearts for worship. I thanked the Lord for answering my prayers for the children to worship in spirit and in truth. It was a beautiful and powerful experience to know that these children we prayed for prior to the crusade, were chosen by God to be the next generation for Jesus. 

We knew the native children were eager to learn about Jesus and to play games in each corner of the room with a different leader, praying and worshiping the Lord, excited about a daily raffle, and receiving a snack at the end of the night. After all, they showed up early to the following crusade days. Every night, we reminded them that the last night was our big celebration for being a child of God, so our attendance increased from 62 children to ninety-seven or more on the last night.

Upon departure on the last day, each child received donated items such as, a backpack, a bible, a snack, and ‘I Am a Child of God’ hat, crayons, as well as a prayer coloring book. All these items were donated by individuals, community organizations, and churches who supported the crusade.

I was completely wrong to think that I needed instrumental music during worship time for the Holy Spirit to touch the lives of the children … and that is what He did.

I knew the Holy Spirit would move powerfully during this crusade but not on the first night, especially without the use of instrumental music or technology resources. However, I was completely wrong to think that I needed instrumental music during worship time for the Holy Spirit to touch the lives of the children. Indeed, the Holy Spirit can move with or without music and that is what He did. 

After teaching the lesson about prayer, I gave the salvation prayer and told the children to keep their eyes closed and to raise their hand if they wanted prayer. Many children requested prayer and the prayer team spread out to pray for these children. Many girls from the ages of 4-8 filled the room with tears and cries but were comforted with prayers and compassion for experiencing God’s love and peace in their heart. 


On the last day of the crusade, the children had the opportunity to go to the adult service to sing the Enemy’s Camp song. It was a huge challenge to walk ninety-seven kids to the adult service and to line them up in front of the adults, who were made up of their parents and grandparents. 

After the children sang, I asked the adults to sing and do the motions with us and they did. This song was a declaration for the native children as they sang it. Before coming to the Fort Apache reservation, God confirmed to me that it would be a new beginning for the Apache children and this song confirmed the beginning for them as they took back what the enemy stole from them for so many generations. 

God confirmed to me that it would be a new beginning for the Apache children and … they took back what the enemy stole from them for so many generations.

The Enemy’s Camp song was sung every night and each night more children gave their lives to Christ. Daily, we witnessed how the Holy Spirit changed the countenance of many children who gave their life to the Lord and how the children came in with smiles and hugs, as well as showing up early to the crusade. 

Prior to the crusade, I prayed to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. I repented for putting the Holy Spirit in a box about how He operates. I learned to only rely on His guidance and to teach the word and every other resource is secondary. The Holy Spirit works creatively, and I am learning not to put Him in a box in future crusades, in ministry, and in my life. 

The last lyrics of the Enemy Camp song, said,
“He’s under our feet,
 He’s under our feet.
 Satan is under our feet.”
The children jumped up and down and crushed Satan hard with both feet. Some boys jumped high, and others moved around the room to forcefully crush him after telling them that they were stomping on Satan the snake. At the same time, I crushed him with both feet. 

God’s will was done, and His kingdom was expanded as many lives were saved and hope was restored to the Fort Apache native children. Now in God’s camp, we celebrated being a child of God and being part of His kingdom family with many blessings.

Marina Maria 
Global Gospel Worship Radio 

We thank all our financial donors and prayer partners: 

    • Lori & Stacy Rider, Glendale, Arizona 
    • Spectrum Insurance and Financial Group, LLC, Glendale, Arizona 
    • Pastor David Cota, Arizona Ministry Network, Phoenix, Arizona 
    • Venture Church, Glendale, Arizona 
    • Breath of Life International Fellowship, Phoenix, Arizona 
    • American Federation for Children, Phoenix, Arizona 
    • This Little House of Mine, New River, Arizona 
    • Bimbo Bakery Outlet, Sun City, Arizona 
    • Prayer Strategy for the Spheres of Influence, Australia 

Prayer To Break the Web of Deception Against Your Children

(by Cathy Coppola) 

“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! 
 For His mercy endures forever. 
 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, 
 Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy.” 
(Psalm 107:1-2) 

The mighty, strong hand of the Lord is powerful to save your children from the deception of the enemy, which is blatantly displayed in our culture. His promises will never fail. Faithful is He and He will do it. Stand firm on His Word which is eternal. Be steadfast for our Redeemer lives. Our Redeemer has broken the chains of demonic strategies that are in opposition against our loved ones. 

To every parent praying for your son or daughter to return to the Lord, remember the battle ground is fought and won in the mind. Stand on the Word of God for the lives of your children. Don’t give the devil a foothold. Use your keys of authority and bind the strongman and declare a thing, for it shall be established so that light will shine upon your ways (Job 22:28). 

Be faithful in exercising your authority and utilizing the weaponry of the Word of God in prayer and declaring truth! What is truth? His Word is truth. 

Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours (Mark 11:24). 

Only through the vehicle of prayer will the demonically laced plan of the enemy be destroyed against your loved ones. Stand united in prayer to destroy the web of deception against them. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much according to James 5:16. Therefore your prayers are making a difference and captives are being set free! 

“We decree that our children have been redeemed from the hand of the enemy according to Psalm 107:2. 

It is only the Word of God that will never return unto us void. His Word is eternal, it is powerful, and we apply His Word over every stubborn spirit. We command the spirit of stubbornness which is as idolatry according to 1 Samuel 15:23, to be destroyed in Jesus’ name. Rebellion which is as witchcraft to be broken off their hearts and minds. 

We decree their hearts to be softened and hardness of heart to be a thing of the past. Father, remove their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh according to Ezekiel 36:26. 

We prophesy the Word of God over them and declare the Spirit of the Lord is within them and they walk in the Lord’s statues, keeping His judgements.

No devil, you can’t have our children. For we have been trained, armed, and anointed to destroy your works. Our hands are trained for war and our fingers for battle (Psalm 144:1). We’ve been armed with strength for the battle (Psalm 18:39). 

No weapon formed against them will prosper and we condemn every spoken judgement risen against them (Isaiah 54:17). We apply the precious, spotless, saving blood of Jesus over them right now. Devil, we command you to take your hands off them. For the life of Christ is in them, restoring every area the locus has stolen.

We declare they have the mind of Christ. We declare they walk in obedience to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We decree they have a renewed spirit, purposeful convictions based on truth and that lies are exposed and overturned by the mighty strong hand of Jesus. Our confidence is in the unending, unchanging, eternal word of God. We serve you notice devil; victory is ours in Jesus’ name and all our children will be taught of the Lord and great shall be their peace (Isaiah 54:13). For our work shall be rewarded says the Lord. That our children shall come back to their own borders (Jeremiah 31:16-17). 

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth (3 John 1:4). We decree that our children walk in the truth and their hearts are set on Christ. 

In Jesus name we pray, Amen.” 

May God Bless You Richly, 
Apostle Cathy Coppola 

When the power of God invades the power of darkness, miracles happen! 
Apostle & Prophet, Cathy Coppola ushers in the glory of God through worship, preaching His Word by the power of the Holy Spirit and releasing His miracles, signs, and wonders to the nations. 
She has received her Honorary Doctorates in Divinity by HSBN International. 
She is the Founder of Cathy Coppola International Ministries, House of Glory Church, Mighty Wind Broadcasting Network TV, and Fired Up Conferences. Her weekly services are filled with demonstrations of the power of the Holy Spirit, as He floods the meetings with signs, wonders, healing, and deliverances. A ministry where the physically sick are healed, the emotionally hurting are restored, those bound by demonic spirits are set free and families are reconciled to their Heavenly Father’s original design. 
Her TV ministry, Mighty Wind Broadcasting Network TV, can be seen online at, MWBN.TV,,, Spotify and more. 
She has been a broadcaster on Paula White’s Life Network for Women titled “Live Empowered” and a podcaster at Charisma Podcast Network – “Apostolic Fire”. 
With a strong healing, deliverance, and prophetic gifting, she ministers to the nations preaching God’s Word and releasing His kingdom authority and power. She has ministered abroad in South America and Africa. 
She has authored and published three books: “From Grief to Glory”, “Devil! Get Your Hands Off!” and “Get Up and Lead.” 
She is also a monthly column writer for Woman of Faith Magazine, and Souled Out Magazine, based out of South Africa and Charisma Digital Magazine. 
She lives in California, USA, along with her husband of 37 years, their four adult children and four grandchildren. 
You can contact her at: 
 Cathy Coppola International Ministries 
 P.O. Box 2923 
 Mission Viejo, Ca. 92690 

Reflection and Prayer 

(by Bjorn Schmid, all Bible passages from the New International Version.) 

“You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 
When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 
(Genesis 3:4-6) 

“Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” 
(1 John 2:15-17) 

At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 
He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” 
(Matthew 18:1-5) 

Dear Father God,
I am just one of you many, many, many children. 
I am so hyped that you’re my true Dad; 
I love my earthly mum and dad, 
But You thought of me totally before I was born, 
Before I gasped for air with my fragile, low-level body. 
And You breathed Your eternal life into me like a total power-up, 
When I confessed Christ Jesus as my only King forever; 
To serve You all my days I have here, 
And all the unlimited millennia there in heaven. 
I so much try to get it all into my head Lord, 
I try to do my best at everything. 
The world says it knows all there is, 
It says it doesn’t need You, 
That You’re redundant to people now, 
And technology and science fixes everything. 
But it doesn’t fix everything, 
And it can’t fix people’s hearts: 
Only Your Holy Spirit fixes hearts,
Only You can fix everything proper. 
So I learn some from them; 
How to do my job, 
How to help people with stuff, 
How to live in this world. 
But I learn more from You – how You do things; 
How to love You, 
How to love people, 
How to live in the forever. 
Help me please to stay pure and loyal to You, 
I will always respect and obey You, 
Your child and servant, 
All glories to You the only King, 


1 comment for “Education in 2023

    09/02/2024 at 9:14 am

    Amen and Amen

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