(by Mike Southon) It is a great joy to be writing about Law and Justice, and praying together with all of you. There is so much to pray about, but I wanted to write about some specific things in Australia…
Category: Marketplace
Resources and posts related to each domain or sphere of influence in the marketplace.
Pray for Business 2022
Business and Finances in God’s Kingdom – Time & Supernatural Power! (by Greg Levett) Time is the most valuable commodity given to us by God, yet time is something beyond the control of man. Whilst it’s our responsibility to effectively manage…
Pray for Government and the Military 2022
Prayers for Politics (by Annie Cathcart) I have been involved in INTERCESSORY prayer for over 20 years now and in my journey I have always been very passionate about praying for Australia. I have followed all the national prayer networks…
Pray for Sport and Recreation 2021
The Joy of Evangelisation (by Costandi Bastoli) “When you enter a town and are welcomed, eat what is set before you. Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God is near you’,” (Luke 10:8-9) During…
Pray for Media and Entertainment 2021
The Airwaves of Global Gospel Worship Radio (by Marina Maria) “Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord.” Psalm…
Pray for Health and Science 2021
A Christian Doctor’s Perspective on Healthcare at a Time of Global Crisis (by Dr Ernest F Crocker BSc (Med) MBBS FRACP DDU FAANMS) My name is Dr Ernest Crocker. I am a specialist physician in Nuclear Medicine. I am not…
Pray for Charity and Not for Profit Welfare 2021
The Future of the Church, Not-for-profits and Charities in Australia (by Mark McCrindle, mccrindle.com.au) Australia has a rich history of faith and spirituality. Although the history of the Christian church in Australia began in 1788 with the arrival of the…
Pray for Education 2021
Who is the Child? (by Graham McDonald) Throughout the history of mankind, the natural progression of life has been birth, ultimately followed by death at some point in time. During these trying times it might be worth looking at the…
Pray for the Arts 2021
Does God Use Art as a Language? (by Ann Boland) A few nights ago, as I sat for a musical theater production, I thought of how the actors communicated the story throughout the play. How the written script, songs, dance,…
Pray for Religion and Philosophy 2021
Does Jesus Want Us to Be Religious? (by Rev. Mark Gilbert) Religious practices are common throughout history across all human cultures. From Hindu food offerings, Buddhist prayer wheels, the Islamic Hajj, The Jewish Passover, Animistic animal sacrifice, and the Eucharist.…