Challenges for the Corporate Christian Lawyer (by Monica Doumit, originally published in the Transforming Sydney Newsletter – May 2015) A little while ago, I was invited to give a talk to a group of university students on the challenges of…
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Trade and Finance in 2024
Pray for Business (an extract from 40 Days Prayer and Fasting for 7 Mountains or Spheres of Influence: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Pray for the Spheres by Lilian Schmid – see Books) The Lord God took the man…
Government and the Military in 2024
Praying for Your Government In 2014 the Lord put in our hearts to start two prayer initiatives, “Adopt a Senator” and “Adopt an MP”, where we encouraged Christians in Australia to choose one member from each of the houses in…
The Church in 2024
Transforming Churches: Sanctification Before Transformation (by Lilian Schmid, originally published in the inaugural Transforming Sydney Newsletter – February 2014) Transforming Churches Part of the whole transformation process that is going on today has to do with the transformation of churches. …
The Family in 2024
“Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the…
Sport and Recreation in 2023
So, This is Christmas? (by Bjorn Schmid, November 2023) “The silly season is here!” so many people say. Why? What is silly about it? Is it silly to celebrate a baby born in an animal keep in a town in…
Media and Entertainment in 2023
(Note: articles on this website remain the property of the respective authors and contain their individual opinions and testimony.) The Importance of Free Speech for Christians (by Scott Nailon, 30-September-2023) Free speech is a fundamental right that allows individuals to…
Adopt a Business
(Prepared by Lilian Schmid – read the full PDF document here) A prayer initiative we established in 2010 is “Adopt a Business”: praying for the sphere or mountain of Business and asking God to raise people to establish prayer cell…
Health and Science in 2023
What is ‘Freedom’? (by Salwa Elias) After watching the movie Sound of Freedom I was motivated into writing my reaction, or ‘response’ for use of a better word. Apart from the trauma that was triggered in me, no tears were shed,…
Charity and Not for Profit Welfare in 2023
Healed People, Heal People (by Salwa Elias) I’ve always believed that any crisis which doesn’t kill you, will make you stronger. This comes from personal experience, and may be debatable by someone who hasn’t trodden the path on which I…