Newsletter for 2nd Quarter 2017

PSSI Newsletter 2017 Q2
In this edition…
From the National Coordinators
God’s Way – The Only Way
“An increasing number of people are struggling to find meaning, purpose and satisfaction in their lives and experiencing a high level of fear and anxiety in everyday living” Len Forster
‘Social Justice’ Versus Biblical Justice
“This may help to clear up some muddled thinking, and be clearer on what biblical justice is all about – it is at least far more than the usual notions of social justice being peddled today” Bill Muehlenberg
Jesus is the Justice of God
“What qualifies you to be a witness? Do you know Jesus personally? Has he done anything in your life for you personally that you can testify about?” Allan Parker
πορνεία – porneia
“According to the world it is natural/right for pre-marital sex, co-habitation – for some a “try before you buy attitude”, others because it is “love” or just because it is what others do” Dennis & Ann Outred
Pentecost Eve 2017
Exploring God’s Unique Responses To Our Prayers
“All of us agree that prayer makes a difference in our life. However, when it comes to the answer to prayers, we all have different opinions” Shivraj Mahendra
Christianity – Comfortable and Reasonable?
“We seem to have a tendency to bend the teaching of the gospel and the discipline and cost linked to discipleship in order to make the church more comfortable.” Michael Huggins
What does your Grandparenting look like?
Announcing the Next Grandparents’ Day of Prayer – September 10th
“Our grandchildren and their parents need our earnest prayers. They need united prayer, a genuine, unified prayer for our hope and dreams for the next generation to be realized” Lillian Penner
Marriage at Work – 2. The Hope of Israel
“A level of depth and intimacy enters into work when we appreciate employment as a space where our Husband’s gifts and graces can be revealed” John Yates
Have We Forgotten Something?
“When you have this love and this power – there are no obstacles to forgiveness” Bjorn Schmid
Fusion Nepal Newsletter
“Lord, Please make me into the image of Jesus. I know this coming year will be full of joy and pain, success and failure-but in it all, let me reflect You First. Amen!.” from Ruth Gautam
RICE SOWERS Fundraising Dinner
Queensland Theological College – Carl Trueman and Paul Tripp

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