
“I would like to endorse this ministry – the Prayer Strategy for the Spheres of Influence. Lilian and Bjorn Schmid who oversee this ministry, put much time in prayer, research and consultation with others re their prayer needs and send out monthly prayer points based on one of the spheres of influence each month. This is a useful prayer guide and as has been famously said by Walter Wink – “History belongs to the intercessors – those who believe and pray the future into being.”
Ps. Barbara Miller
Co-founder, Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace

“Dear Lilian, praise to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God and able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. Blessings to you and Bjorn as you lead Prayer Strategy for the Sphere of Influence.”
Luis Bush
Servant, TW 2020

“The Hollywood Prayer Network is partnering in prayer with the Prayer Strategy for the Spheres of Influence in Australia and support their missions to bring God’s transformation.”
Karen Covell
Founding Director, Hollywood Prayer Network

“Prayer strategy for spheres of influence is the engine room for whatever we undertake.We can have a great vision and strategies but unless they are birthed through time with God and then prayed through at every level we are moving forward under our own thoughts and strength. Being Kingdom builders we need to be surrounded by prayer in our lives and with prayer warriors who intercede on our behalf. We will come under attack but we have the victory and tools like prayer to stay the course and win. The victory has been won at the cross and we need to stay connected to Jesus the One who gave us the victory.”
Peter Irvine
Co-Founder, Gloria Jean’s Coffees Australia.
Author, Win In Business and Building Your Business, Your people, Your life.
Key note speaker.


“There are too few prayer warriors in Australia. There are too few Christians who understand that all the political, cultural and ideological battles being fought are ultimately spiritual battles. Thus it is so imperative that we have ministries such as that of Lilian and Bjorn Schmid. Thank God for this vital work.”
Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch

“It would be an honour and a privilege to endorse the ministry you have been involved in for such a long time. You have passion for the lost but as important as the great commission is, it is building the believers. Your prayer network creates a very positive environment whereby believers in professional areas (like law and education and others) can share their heart with the Lord and others in the same boat. It is always Biblically based and fair and full of integrity. Bless you and your ministry.”
Prof. Michael Adams
Head and Professor, UNE Law School New South Wales, Australia

“It is with great pleasure that I endorse this move of the Holy Spirit to see ‘the hands and feet of Jesus’ becoming active in the workplace, and in all areas of influence that Christians are connected with.It is by our fruits that we shall be known, not our head knowledge and this can only be identified when Christians are seen to be active in whatever community activities they are involved in. I pray that your programs receive wide acceptance and influence the nations, with kingdom righteousness.”
Rev. D Jeffry David Camm JP
Principal, Christ To The Nations Bible College

“To Whom it may concern I heartily endorse the Prayer Strategy for the Spheres of Influence in your wonderful Nation. Christians can be thankful to Almighty God that there is such an organisation lifting the needs of and asking protection for the many spheres of influence over this country. The organisers understand the meaning and power of persevering in prayer and never giving up and for that others can be thankful and the organisers are to be congratulated.”
Rev. Craig Segaert
Former Rector, St. Nicolas’ Anglican Church

“I applaud the fact that you are exhorting people to pray. I am deeply impressed by your consistency in prayer and your love for God’s people. Blessings.”
Tony McLennan

“Prayer is the engine room for life, family and work. We so appreciate the ministry of the Prayer Strategy for the Spheres of Influence Team. We need Christians in every sphere of life, representing Christ wherever they find themselves and therefore it is imperative that we make prayer a priority for all those involved in the spheres. Keep up the great work, knowing you are interceding for the ministry of Focus is vital and of great encouragement.”
Brett Ryan
CEO, Focus on the Family Australia

“PRAYER STRATEGY FOR THE SPHERES OF INFLUENCE – I have been familiar with the ministry of Lilian and Bjorn Schmid for quite some years and write with enthusiasm to endorse the work of the Prayer Strategy for the Spheres of Influence. In a day when most of Church life is inward focused, Prayer Strategy operates with a breadth of vision proportionate to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ (Rev 5:12-13). This is a ministry that understand the people of God are called “to attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Eph 4:13). This ministry grasps that the key to such an expansive vision is to behold all things through the lens of Christ crucified, for it is the depth of Christ’s sufferings that opens our eyes to the breadth of the Lord’s glory across the spheres of influence. Prayers for families, church and marketplace are foundational to the coming of the kingdom of God through his Body in every dimension of life and culture. The rich resources for intercession and discipleship available at www.prayerstrategy.org are constantly expanding and present a challenge and opportunity to obey Jesus’ Great Commission, whose goal is not merely the conversion of individuals, but to “make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:19). I encourage you to join with the Schmid’s as they persevere in labour, research and prayer to make Christ known in every sphere of influence. Especially in those domains into which God has called you.”
Dr. Rev. John Yates

“Having known Lilian and Bjorn Schmid over the last two decades, I have been moved by their selfless dedication to the welfare of their fellow man. Lilian as the National Coordinator, Prayer Strategy for the Spheres of Influence and Founder/ Board Member of the Transforming Sydney Christian Movement, has worked alongside Bjorn tirelessly to engage with many community sectors including business and political. Such strategic engagement has been beneficial in keeping our Christian beliefs front and centre of policy and decision making in both the public and private sectors in Australia. Life challenges continue to intensify with financial, physical and emotional pressures arising from so many competing demands for our attention and time. Social media and other constantly developing online platforms present us with ever increasing opportunities but also accompanying responsibilities and problems.In this fast moving world where do we turn to get peace of mind? The Lord works his love, strength, wisdom and peace through people such as Lilian and Bjorn. May they continue with their community mission in his name for as long as they are able!”
Marie Ficarra
Former Member of the NSW Legislative Council Sydney, Australia

“Dear Lilian, I endorse the Prayer Strategy for Spheres of Influence. Prayer must undergird everything we do and become an attitude of life the battle is huge and ‘we’ cannot do it ‘ourselves’. Your information to pray is so huge – along with your mission prayer letters etc. but it fills a very important area that might otherwise get missed sometimes it is overwhelming (appropriately I think). We have a theme for our early prayer at church 3 mornings a week ‘Mourning for the suffering church, Grief for our nation, Excitement for tomorrow, Joy for today’ and we are reminded to ‘Be Awestruck, Be Awestruck Every Day’. Jesus, who calls us ‘brothers’, is our High Priest, sitting in power and majesty at the right hand of the throne of God, making intercession for us!! Incredible! Every day, remember to be awestruck. Be grateful. Be humble. And persevere in the knowledge of this amazing fact.”
Dr Lachlan Dunjey
Founder and Convenor, Doctors for the Family Perth, Australia

“I am happy to endorse the Prayer Strategy for the Spheres of Influence. With my involvement in the National Day of Prayer & Fasting for many years, I’ve been so blessed to see so many other prayer ministries making an impact in our Nation. Lillian & Bjorn lead a great ministry, and I believe they are History-makers for the Kingdom of God.”
Ps. Matt Prater
New Hope Church, Brisbane, Australia

“It’s a pleasure to commend Lilian and Bjorn Schmid for their consistent and creative development of prayer and practice in the intersection of Church and State across the domains of society and especially in Sydney. It is especially gratifying to see them raise up prayer in the spheres of influence and to promote cross denominational worship at Pentecost each year”
Peter Kentley, Airborne

“Prayer changes things! This is why I encourage and support prayer for the ‘Spheres of Influence’ in our society as part of a National Prayer Strategy”
Brian Pickering

“Nothing of significance happens without prayer. I wholeheartedly endorse the work of Lilian and Bjorn Schmid, at the National Prayer Strategy for Spheres of Influence. I have known this wonderful couple for many years and admire, not only their heart after God, but also their tireless work in building ecumenical unity and Kingdom initiatives. In the Marketplace I spend most of my time with secular commercial leaders; knowing that there is prayer support for my sphere of influence, is both encouraging and empowering.”
Mark Bilton, B.Sc, Grad.Dip.Bus, MBA. FAICD. FAIM.
Managing Director, Thought Patrol

Founder and President, Called to Business

“It gives me the greatest blessing to endorse Lilian Schmidt and the various Kingdom ministries she runs and is involved in. She is completely trustworthy and has a heart to see the Body of Christ and the Kingdom of God in the Marketplace flourish. Her God directed wisdom and experience allow her to be a positive influence and have a transformative impact on people, organisations, and Churches. I personally hold her in very high esteem and respect her immensely”
Ps. Justin Lippiatt
Brisbane, Australia

“Such a great blessing to read your message. Very heart touching. Me, my wife Deborah and all our Church members are committed to pray for you and for your ministry. May the Lord richest Glory be upon you” Yours brother in the Lord”
Ps Gideon Yathirajam