Category: Prayers

Prayers for the sphere of influence over our communities. cities and nations

Pray for Family and Marriage

Family and Marriage – January 2019  “The human body includes right from the beginning… the capacity of expressing love, that love in which the person becomes a gift – and by means of this gift – fulfills the meaning of his…

Prayers for Sport and Recreation

Sport and Recreation Introduction Sport and Recreation has an essential role in forming and maintaining the fabric of our communities and our society overall. A vibrant Sport and Recreation culture can provide social benefits far beyond the sporting field –…

Prayers for Media and Entertainment

Media and Entertainment Introduction In the United States media and entertainment (M&E) industry is a $703 billion market, comprised of businesses that produce and distribute motion pictures, television programs and commercials, streaming content, music and audio recordings, broadcast, radio, book…

Prayers for Health and Science

Health and Science Repent – Heal – Transform Let us repent by confessing our sins and ask God to transform the sphere of Health, Science and Medicine. Repentance requires true brokenness. Repentance is an honest, regretful acknowledgement of sin with…

Prayers for Charities and Not-For-Profit

Charities and Not-For-Profit Commission “Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven. “So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet…

Prayers for Education

Education “Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will ye build me?” saith the Lord: “or what is the place of my rest?” [Acts 7:49 KJV] Throughout history, both the state and the church have claimed…

Prayers for Arts and Entertainment

Introduction From Luis Bush… “Christians are engaged in transformational mission as servant catalysts. A cyclical pattern is emerging of those who are engaging. It begins with a fresh awareness of the holiness of God which leads to greater humility. The…

Prayers for Religion and Philosophy

See also Biblical Verses and Daily Devotions for Religion and Philosophy June 2018 (PDF opens in a separate window). Religion Religion is a fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a group of people. These set of beliefs concern…

Prayers for Justice

PRAYER FOR OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM Almighty God, you are a God of justice and righteousness. We pray for the justice system in our country. Lord, you are just and you are merciful God. You have given our government authority to…

Prayers for Business

Trade, Finance, Business, Investments Lord Jesus let your light shine Into the corridors of power in all the business and investment companies, Through the closed doors of boardrooms and share-holder meetings And into the cosy corners of power lunches and…