Category: Prayers

Prayers for the sphere of influence over our communities. cities and nations

Pray for Health and Science 2022

(by Lilian Schmid – all Bible references from the New International Version except where noted)  This month we are discussing and praying for the sphere of Health and Science; my message here is on Healing.  In 2007 the Lord put…

Pray for Charity and Not for Profit Welfare 2022

(all Bible references from the New International Version) Where Were You?  (by Matt Friedman)  [ UPDATE 28-September-2022: Excellent video with Matt Friedman on ] We are not winning the fight against human slavery. We presently have nearly 40 million slaves…

Pray for Education 2022

(all Bible references from the New International Version) An October Children’s Crusade, We Need You Lord, in Stanfield, Arizona (by Marina Maria) On Saturday, October 15, 2022, at 2:00 p.m., many children will echo, “We Need You Lord!, We Need…

Pray for the Arts 2022

ARTS MOUNTAIN  (by Ruth Webb) Often the Arts are considered as a great vehicle for evangelism or for influencing culture with a Biblical worldview. Its very existence can be ‘justified’ on these grounds. These are all good.  My story is…

Pray for Religion and Philosophy 2022

Religion, Philosophy and Jesus  (by Rev. Dr. John Yates)  Introduction  The sphere of Religion and Philosophy, especially as it relates to the sovereign Lordship of Christ, touches all things (Acts 10:3).  As I commenced writing this article, I had received a message…

Pray for Law and Justice 2022

(by Mike Southon)  It is a great joy to be writing about Law and Justice, and praying together with all of you. There is so much to pray about, but I wanted to write about some specific things in Australia…

Pray for Business 2022

Business and Finances in God’s Kingdom – Time & Supernatural Power!  (by Greg Levett)  Time is the most valuable commodity given to us by God, yet time is something beyond the control of man. Whilst it’s our responsibility to effectively manage…

Pray for Government and the Military 2022

Prayers for Politics (by Annie Cathcart)  I have been involved in INTERCESSORY prayer for over 20 years now and in my journey I have always been very passionate about praying for Australia. I have followed all the national prayer networks…

Pray for the Church 2022

(prepared by Lilian Schmid) Fasting? We encourage you to take on the challenge of praying and fasting together as the Holy Spirit leads you. Today we face many challenges in our earthly and church societies, and sometimes it is necessary…