Category: Business (Trade & Finance)

Resources and posts related to the domain or sphere of Business, which consists of both Trade (the exchange of goods and services) and Finance (the means to trade for goods and services). This domain could also be called the Economy, but people are generally engaged in doing Business, which contributes to the Economy. The Economy is more of a measure of the financial health of a city, region or nation, and consists of not only Business activity, but other domains that contribute to the economy, and of course the general community which consumes the output from Business and other domains.

Trade and Finance 2025

The Kingdom of God in Society  (by Alan Currie)  To see the Kingdom of God manifest in society, believers in Yeshua need to embrace and reflect the character of “God the Father” in everything we do.  The three main fruits…

Trade and Finance in 2024

Pray for Business (an extract from 40 Days Prayer and Fasting for 7 Mountains or Spheres of Influence: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Pray for the Spheres by Lilian Schmid – see Books)  The Lord God took the man…

Adopt a Business

(Prepared by Lilian Schmid – read the full PDF document here)  A prayer initiative we established in 2010 is “Adopt a Business”: praying for the sphere or mountain of Business and asking God to raise people to establish prayer cell…

Trade and Finance in 2023

The Call to Watch and Pray  (by Steve Botham) EVERY TOWN NEEDS A RANGE OF WATCHERS  Some years ago, the World Prayer Centre in Birmingham, England called a wide range of ‘watchers’ together. We were people who came from houses…

Pray for Business 2022

Business and Finances in God’s Kingdom – Time & Supernatural Power!  (by Greg Levett)  Time is the most valuable commodity given to us by God, yet time is something beyond the control of man. Whilst it’s our responsibility to effectively manage…

Pray for Business 2021

Go into the World (by Janet Schultz) “Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all.” (Mark 16:15 Message translation) Nearly 25 years ago I was asked to become a volunteer…

Pray for Business (Trade and Finance)

Business – April 2019 (By Lilian Schmid, reviewed by Mark Bilton and Bjorn Schmid) “The most important virtue is humility, to have a servant’s heart, to listen to what people are saying, and to be empathetic to employees. I think that…

Prayers for Business

Trade, Finance, Business, Investments Lord Jesus let your light shine Into the corridors of power in all the business and investment companies, Through the closed doors of boardrooms and share-holder meetings And into the cosy corners of power lunches and…