The Church 2025

During the month of February, we are fasting and praying for the Church. Our thanks to Pastor Christian Kahnt for the two wonderful articles below that he contributed. 

See also 40 Days Prayer and Fasting for 7 Mountains or Spheres of Influence on Amazon – a step-by-step guide on how to pray daily for the Spheres/Mountains of Influence in our societies, cities and communities. 

The Ten Commandments: A Path to True Freedom 

(by Christian Kahnt) 

Many people view the Ten Commandments as a rigid list of “don’ts,” designed to restrict freedom and take the joy out of life. But what if we saw them not as prohibitions but as God’s loving invitation to a flourishing life? When understood in light of the gospel, the Ten Commandments reveal God’s heart for us – a heart that desires our freedom, peace, and joy. 

God’s Loving Guidance 

The Ten Commandments are not random rules imposed by a distant God. Instead, they flow from His character and His love for us. Just as loving parents set boundaries to protect their children, God gave the Commandments to guide us away from harm and toward abundant life. 

The Commandments begin with God’s declaration: I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.” (Exodus 20:2) 

This is key. The Commandments were given in the context of freedom. God rescued His people from bondage and then showed them how to live in that freedom. The same is true for us today. Through Jesus Christ, we are set free from sin and invited to walk in the life-giving ways of God. 

Freedom Through Boundaries 

True freedom isn’t about doing whatever we want – It’s about living in a way that brings peace, joy, and flourishing. Without boundaries, we risk harm to ourselves and others. The Commandments act as guardrails, protecting us from the consequences of destructive choices. 

Consider a fish in water. It might seem restrictive to limit the fish to its watery environment, but that’s where it thrives. In the same way, the Commandments show us where we are meant to thrive – in loving relationships with God and others. Let’s take a closer look at their positive message and how they invite us into deeper relationship with God and others. 

1. A Loving Gift, not a Restriction 

The Ten Commandments were given by God as an expression of His love for humanity. Like a parent giving guidance to a child, these commands are designed to protect us, bless us, and keep us from harm. They are road signs on life’s journey, pointing us away from danger and toward a life of peace and fulfillment. 

2. Freedom Through Boundaries 

True freedom isn’t about doing whatever we feel like – it’s about living without the weight of guilt, broken relationships, or consequences that harm ourselves and others. The Ten Commandments show us how to live in harmony with God, others, and even our own hearts. They free us from the chaos that comes when we disregard what is good and right. 

3. A Blueprint for Relationships 

The Commandments focus on two essential relationships: 

  • Loving God (the first four Commandments): They teach us to honour and connect with the One who made us. 
  • Loving others (the last six Commandments): They guide us in building healthy, respectful relationships with the people around us. 

Jesus Himself summed this up when He said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind” and “Love your neighbour as yourself” (Matthew 22:37–39). 

4. Protecting What Matters Most 

Each Commandment isn’t just a prohibition but a safeguard for something precious: 

  • “You shall have no other gods before Me”: Keeps our hearts anchored in what is eternal and unchanging, rather than fleeting pursuits. 
  • “You shall not make idols”: Protects us from investing in false hopes that will ultimately disappoint. 
  • “Do not misuse God’s name”: Calls us to honour God in our words and actions. 
  • “Remember the Sabbath”: Encourages rest, reflection, and restoration in a fast-paced world. 
  • “Honor your father and mother”: Instils respect for family and wisdom. 
  • “Do not murder”: Safeguards life and peace in our communities. 
  • “Do not commit adultery”: Protects trust and love in relationships. 
  • “Do not steal”: Upholds fairness and integrity. 
  • “Do not lie”: Builds trust and truthfulness. 
  • “Do not covet”: Promotes contentment and gratitude. 

5. A Path to Flourishing 

Far from being a heavy burden, the Ten Commandments are a path to flourishing. They invite us to live as God designed us to live—in harmony with Him, with others, and with ourselves. When we follow them, we experience peace, joy, and a deeper sense of purpose. 

The Gospel and the Commandments 

The Commandments show us God’s standard for holy living, but they also reveal our inability to meet that standard on our own. This is where the gospel shines brightest. 

Jesus fulfilled the law perfectly on our behalf. Through His life, death, and resurrection, He offers us forgiveness for our failures and the power to live transformed lives. In Christ, the Commandments are not burdens but blessings. We obey not to earn God’s love, but because we’ve already received it. 

Sharing the Good News 

As we reflect on the Ten Commandments, let’s embrace them as a positive, life-giving framework. Share this perspective with those around you – on social media, in conversations, and in prayer groups. Remind others that God’s commands aren’t about restriction but about love, protection, and freedom. 

By choosing to live within the wisdom of God’s guidelines, we step into the abundant life He desires for us – a life marked by love, peace, and true freedom. 

Join the Conversation!

We’d love to hear your thoughts: How have the Ten Commandments positively impacted your life? Share your story with us on or tag us on social media with #PathToFreedom. Together, let’s inspire others to see the beauty in God’s commands! 

Christian Kahnt 
Assistant Pastor of Parramatta Christian Church 

Gospel-Centred Prayer for the Church in Challenging Times 

(by Christian Kahnt) 

The Church, as the body of Christ, is called to be a city on a hill, a light to the nations, and the pillar of truth in a world darkened by sin. However, the challenges facing the Church today are numerous and pressing. From secular opposition and doctrinal drift to internal divisions and spiritual apathy, the bride of Christ faces battles on many fronts. As we consider these challenges, our response must be rooted in the gospel, shaping a prayer strategy that aligns with God’s heart and mission

1. The Challenge of Secular Opposition 

In many parts of the world, the Church is facing increasing marginalisation. Biblical values are seen as outdated, and believers often encounter hostility when they stand for truth. In some regions, persecution is not just ideological but physical, with Christians being imprisoned or even killed for their faith. 

Prayer Strategy: 

  • Pray for boldness in the face of opposition, just as the early Church did (Acts 4:29). 
  • Ask the Lord to strengthen persecuted believers with endurance and joy (Colossians 1:11-12). 
  • Intercede for government leaders, that they would allow the gospel to flourish (1 Timothy 2:1-2). 

2. The Challenge of Doctrinal Drift 

False teaching has always threatened the Church, but today, relativism and cultural accommodation are eroding biblical convictions. Some churches abandon the authority of Scripture to conform to societal trends, leading to a diluted gospel that lacks the power to save.

Prayer Strategy: 

  • Pray that pastors and leaders will remain faithful to God’s Word (2 Timothy 4:2-5). 
  • Ask for discernment in the body of Christ, that believers would reject deception and cling to truth (Ephesians 4:14-15). 
  • Seek the Holy Spirit’s work in raising up biblically grounded disciples who are not swayed by culture (Jude 3). 

3. The Challenge of Internal Division 

Jesus prayed for the unity of His followers (John 17:20-23), yet churches today can be divided—by doctrinal disputes, leadership conflicts, or cultural and political differences. A fragmented Church weakens its witness to the world. 

Prayer Strategy: 

  • Pray for humility and a spirit of reconciliation within the Church (Ephesians 4:2-3). 
  • Ask for wisdom and peacemaking hearts among leaders and members (James 3:17-18). 
  • Seek the Spirit’s work in knitting believers together in love and mission (Colossians 3:14). 

4. The Challenge of Spiritual Apathy 

Churches can struggle with lukewarm faith, where comfort and complacency replace a passionate pursuit of Christ. Without revival, the Church risks becoming ineffective in its calling to make disciples. 

Prayer Strategy: 

  • Pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit, stirring zeal for Christ (Romans 12:11). 
  • Ask for a renewed hunger for God’s presence and Word (Psalm 63:1). 
  • Intercede for churches to be mission-minded, making disciples who impact their communities (Matthew 28:18-20). 

A Gospel-Centred Response 

The gospel reminds us that the Church is not ultimately sustained by human effort but by Christ Himself. Jesus promised that He will build His Church and that the gates of hell will not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18). As we pray for the Church, we do so with confidence, knowing that God is faithful to sanctify and empower His people for His glory. 

Let us, therefore, commit to interceding for the Church with faith, aligning our prayers with God’s purposes, and trusting that He will accomplish His redemptive work through His people. 

Christian Kahnt 
Assistant Pastor of Parramatta Christian Church 

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