Health and Science in 2024

The Path and The Power of Prayer 

(by Dr Ernest Crocker) 

Some Christians today fail to realise that prayer is powerful beyond understanding. It becomes an optional means of achieving their needs when other methods fail . “Oh well,” they say,’ “lets pray about it.” Jesus said ‘Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it’ (John 14:13,14). 

On Monday November 11, 2019, as bushfires ravaged the nation, we of the Christian Medical and Dental Fellowship of Australia called our members to prayer. Over many weeks we prayed for rain, for winds to settle and fires to come under control. As we prayed for one serious outbreak of fire, that very evening the skies opened. The Hunter Region of New South Wales and the city of Newcastle were deluged. In retrospect we might have prayed for rain in moderation. However we prayed, and it rained. 

On March 12, 2020, as COVID was declared a National pandemic, we continued to call members to prayer. The Zoom prayer meetings established on Friday evenings have now continued weekly over a five-year period with doctors and allied healthcare workers attending from around Australia and from abroad. People attend from Central Africa, Asia, Pakistan, Fiji, the United States, the UK and Ukraine on a regular basis. 

We have prayerfully learned to seek God’s face rather than His hand yet have seen miracles happen far beyond our expectation. One doctor is in complete remission from advanced mesothelioma. Family members, friends and colleagues have been saved. Persecuted Christians have been released from prison. 

In Central Africa abandoned street children have been taken into care by medical missionaries. They have accepted Christ and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, witness to their faith in the villages and prisons. On one occasion they were permitted to baptise shackled prisoners on death row. At times there has been intense opposition to this ministry, with people beaten, imprisoned and threatened with firearms, yet we have seen miraculous deliverance again and again. 

We have learned to pray according to God’s agenda rather than our own, seeking His will rather than following our own pursuits. To this end we have learned to listen to God for as Billy Graham has said “Prayer is simply a two-way conversation between you and God”

There have been times that we have not known how to pray, especially relating to complex issues of an ethical nature. However, we have been assured by Paul’s words that ‘The Spirit Himself prays for us in groanings that cannot be expressed in words.’ (Romans 8:26) And God has said: ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things that you do not know.’ (Jeremiah 33:3) We have learned to lay hold of God’s word and His promises, proclaiming His wisdom in every circumstance. 

We have learned that there are many things that we must accept on trust. ‘The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever that we may follow the words of the law.’ (Deuteronomy 29:29) 

We have also come to understand that when we pray in faith for issues that we may not fully comprehend, there are often hidden blessings that evolve. ‘And I will give you treasures hidden in darkness – secret riches. I will do this so that may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name.’ (Isaiah 45:3) 

The matters that we have prayed for not only include those pertaining to healthcare but to the many issues facing us and our families in this broken world. Prayer and God’s intervention is the one hope we have and as Billy Graham has also said, “to get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees.” 

These answers to prayer over a five-year period have served to develop our Faith in a God who cannot fail. And even when our faith has been challenged, we have seen Him move in marvellous ways. We have come to understand that: ‘If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself’ (2 Timothy 2:13). 

There have been many advantages to meeting in prayer in this manner

  1. It has encouraged fellowship and mutual support for healthcare workers in the isolation of busy city practice, in regional areas or separated by the tyranny of distance in this vast country and around the world.
  2. It has enabled a means of providing pastoral care for those who are ill, or bereaved, for those suffering from the stress of long hours of practice or struggling against demands encountered in healthcare today.
  3. The shared depth and breadth of experience of our members has provided greater insight and understanding into many of the issues requiring prayer than we might otherwise have had. We have been led to intercede for our own nation, for those engulfed in war, famine, disease and persecution.
  4. Just as Rees Howells called the faithful to prayer during WW11 to engage in spiritual warfare, it has enabled us to do likewise in support of a number of our members who have paid a heavy price for their Christian stand in healthcare matters (Norman Grubb. Rees Howells Intercessor. CLC 1952).
  5. These times of prayer and fellowship have provided a means to extend ministry, worship and witness into the secular marketplace by encouraging doctors to draw on their faith as they practice daily. They have taught us the power of joining together with united voice to seek the presence of God’s Holy Spirit in intercession for the nations.

Call to Prayer 

Formal church attendance would appear to be falling globally. Yet there is clearly a strong move of the Spirit of God through the world today especially within the marketplace. This is occurring in the context of connect groups, on the mission fields, among small groups of Christians in isolation, in interest groups, even in prisons. 

On the basis of what we have experienced over the past five years in healthcare, we would call on other professional, academic, business and interest groups to consider meeting as we have done on a regular basis for prayer and fellowship by means of Zoom or similar platforms. Such Meetings should be readily accessible and available on a regular basis. 

Jesus said, ‘where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them.’ (Matthew 18:20) This most certainly applies when we meet face to face but clearly also applies when we meet by the modern means of technology available to us today. 

Dr Ernest F Crocker BSc(Med) MBBS DDU FRACP FAANMS

Spirit Filled and Spirit-led Life!

(by Olakunle Fowosere) 

To God the Father and Jesus Christ be all glory! 

In a lot of cultures, when a man marries a woman, the marriage is expected to be consummated, the evidence being children. 

It is same spiritually in God’s kingdom. Just like Mary, the mother of our blessed Lord and Saviour (Jesus Christ), was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and became pregnant with Jesus (Luke 1:31,35), God’s children must be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and become infilled by Him to produce Jesus (in character – Acts 1:8). 

It is not God’s will for any of His children to be barren. He wants us to be fruitful! And He wants those fruits (pointing to Jesus) to remain in us and in our lives. 

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.” (John 15:16 NKJV) 

Stephen who was martyred (Acts 7:54-60), showed a beautiful picture of a Holy Spirit filled man. While he was being stoned and murdered: 

  • He had eyes only for heavenly things, his gaze was fixed on God and God alone; not on man or any earthly concerns (the Holy Spirit speaks about this in Colossians 3:1-3). 
  • All he sought for was the glory of God and did not love his life unto death. He knew he had already overcome Satan (who was inspiring the murderous mob) by Jesus’ blood and his testimony (Revelation 12:11). 
  • He did not fear what man could do to him because he knew Jesus was with him (Psalm 118:6). In fact, his spiritual eyes were open to see Jesus (while the murderous mob’s eyes remained blind). 

Stephen overcame (Revelation 3:21)! Just like Jesus on the cross, he prayed for his murderers to be forgiven (Acts 7:60; Luke 23:34). Just like Jesus, he commits his spirit into God’s hands (Acts 7:59; Luke 23:46). 

Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! Stephen was so full and filled with the Holy Spirit that he manifested Jesus! 

We need the Holy Spirit more and more. 

“For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.” (Romans 11:36 NKJV) 

Jesus was totally dependent upon The Holy Spirit. Peter, Paul, all the apostles after their conversion were dependent upon Him also (Acts 13:2, Acts 20:22, etc.) 

Jesus wants us (as His disciples) to be led by His Spirit (Romans 8:14). When we are filled by His Spirit, we will be delivered of fear (Romans 8:15), we will have an inner assurance in our hearts that we are God’s children (Romans 8:16). 

God doesn’t give His Spirit to just anyone. He is sooooo good that he gives the things of this world to men (Matthew 5:45) but gives the things of the Spirit to His children (who ask!). John the Baptist could only baptise in water (unto repentance) but said we must go to Jesus to be baptised with the Holy Spirit and fire (Matthew 3:11). 

Children of God, let us go to the throne of grace daily to be baptised daily. Jesus will give to those asking, will reveal to those seeking and will open the door of the kingdom to those knocking (Matthew 7:7-11). 

Olakunle. (When I Look into Your Holiness) 

Pray for the Sphere of Health and Science 

(Originally compiled by Bjorn and Lilian Schmid and posted on the Transforming Sydney website; “October 2013 – Health and Science”. All Bible quotes are from the NIV.) 

“… a large number of the most eminent scientists of all time, right down to the present, have been believers, often moved or at least reinforced in their belief by their own scientific discoveries. Therefore belief in God is reasonable. It is not just for the unenlightened and ignorant.”
(Fr. John Flader on “Atheism and science” in Catholic Weekly, 22 April 2012) 

This century’s Science and Health has chosen to ignore the clear need for appreciation of God as the creator of the physical universe, or deny that God is interested in it, or think of God as being a non-sentient entity. Modern and post-modern wisdom reclassifies God as being either non-existent (Man is a God), or a mind-less ‘force’ that the adept can draw upon for healing and wisdom (Man can be a God). Both points of view suggest an attitude that humans can set their own laws, and resist any other points of view as being ‘uninformed’ and even dangerous (to them). 

The most confronting fruit of this Godlessness though is the blatant anti-life agendas that have been emerging, ranging from ‘Save the Earth’ movements, to the equalisation of people and animals (helped along by proliferate animation and print media), to wilful blindness of the mass-murder of millions of humans in pogroms in developing countries and unborn children in developed countries. Proponents of these programs often claim they contribute at some level to the benefit of man-kind (or at least quality of life for the more fortunate), but all fail to acknowledge and be accountable to the creator of life and His purposes; made clear by His living among us, and then being crucified and rising from the dead in order for us to be restored in relationship to Him. 

“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” (Matthew 10:28-31) 

Every human life is of equal value to God: He tries by whatever means necessary to draw us back to Him because He loves us and does not want to lose any of us. One of the ways He has demonstrated His love is in the incredibly balanced and intricate universe: macro and micro. Those who look closely at it to discover its secrets may first worship the creation rather than the Creator, but if they have a truly open mind, they will see miracles of ‘intelligent design’ and seek the Designer for inspiration. 

“Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.” (Matthew 10:32-33) 

Bible Reflections 

“Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades? 
    Can you loosen Orion’s belt? 
Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons 
    or lead out the Bear with its cubs? 
Do you know the laws of the heavens? 
    Can you set up God’s dominion over the earth? 
Can you raise your voice to the clouds 
    and cover yourself with a flood of water? 
Do you send the lightning bolts on their way? 
    Do they report to you, ‘Here we are’? 
Who gives the ibis wisdom 
    or gives the rooster understanding?” 
(Job 38:31-36) 

“The heavens declare the glory of God; 
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 
Day after day they pour forth speech; 
    night after night they reveal knowledge.” 
(Psalm 19:1-2) 

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3) 

“Lord, by such things people live; 
    and my spirit finds life in them too. 
You restored me to health 
    and let me live.” 
(Isaiah 38:16) 

“and the people all tried to touch him, because power was coming from him and healing them all.” (Luke 6:19) 

Prayer Points

  • A wave of pro-life and pro-Christian attitudes in the health and science community, particularly dismissal of the ‘right-to-die’ and population reduction campaigns in their various overt and deceptive incarnations.
  • Significant scientists and health professionals to encounter Christ in a life-changing way and to have the courage to speak out about their experiences.
  • De-stigmatisation and support for scientists who propose alternative views of the universe, particularly those who are persecuted for mentioning ‘intelligent design’: i.e. restoration to pure science which seeks answers and is not biased.
  • A change of heart in those responsible for research funding to work together on projects that will benefit the planet, such as improved low-cost power sources (e.g. solar, tidal, geothermic and ultimately, fusion) and less polluting commuting and comfort technologies (e.g. thermal exchange, improved insulation, networked communities).
  • Management and policy making for hospital and health services (Government and Private) that is incorruptible, has integrity, and keeps the needs of the patient central.
  • Doctors and nurses, ancillary heath and social workers – for compassionate care, Godly ethics, and a desire for excellence.
  • Patients in Hospitals and Respite facilities.
  • Kids & Families who are suffering from health issues.
  • Sight & Hearing health services.
  • Maternal and Child Health Care.
  • People with obesity and eating disorders, and their carers and those treating them.
  • Improvement in Indigenous and Minorities Health Care
  • Palliative Care facilities and staff, and for the calling of and freedom for Christians to minister in this field.
  • Infectious Diseases/Pandemic planning authorities and treatment bodies
  • Transport for Patents, Practitioners, Medications and Organs (e.g. Ambulance, Flying Doctor Service, Community Transport).
  • Mental disease and disorder care and treatment.
  • Christian healing centres and communities: to be led by the Holy Spirit, protected from the enemy of God, and giving glory to Christ.
  • The abandonment of Abortion and Abortion Clinics as a solution to unwanted pregnancies, and a shift of funding and favour to pregnancy and mother support, and fostering and adoption services, including improvements in processes for adoption, and a restoration of the status of motherhood (as well as fatherhood) as a top role in our society.

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