Category: Marketplace

Resources and posts related to each domain or sphere of influence in the marketplace.

Trade and Finance 2025

The Kingdom of God in Society  (by Alan Currie)  To see the Kingdom of God manifest in society, believers in Yeshua need to embrace and reflect the character of “God the Father” in everything we do.  The three main fruits…

Government and the Military 2025

Just a small reminder that the articles on this website reflect the opinion and witness of the respective authors, which may or may not align with your own; consider this with Ephesians 4:1-7 in mind.Bjorn & Lilian Schmid Praying for…

Sport and Recreation in 2024

Thoughts About Living a Devoted Life for Christ  (from Bengt Sjöberg, November 2024)  How can we find a balance between strong commitment, work, rest and relaxation? I don’t have the full answers.  Lately, I have read about how young people…

Media and Entertainment in 2024

PRAYER REQUESTS FOR HOLLYWOOD  (from Karen Covell, Founding Director, Hollywood Prayer Network –  Please pray for the people who impact films, TV shows, songs, video games, AI and internet content across the globe:  Producers  Writers  Directors  Directors of Photography …

Health and Science in 2024

The Path and The Power of Prayer  (by Dr Ernest Crocker)  Some Christians today fail to realise that prayer is powerful beyond understanding. It becomes an optional means of achieving their needs when other methods fail . “Oh well,” they…

Charity and Not for Profit Welfare in 2024

Development of a Non-denominational Christian University in Australia  (by Phil Doecke)  In 2020, after a period of prayerful reflection and discussion, three Christian men who had had careers in tertiary education in Australia and overseas, recognised the urgent need for…

Education in 2024

Scriptures on the Sphere of Education (collected by Lilian Schmid) Meditate on the following Bible scriptures during August as we pray for the Sphere of Education (all quotations from the ESV).  “Keep hold of instruction; do not let go; guard…

The Arts in 2024

Picture This  (illustrations by Bjorn Schmid, June 2024)  An amazing painting is put on display at one of the biggest art galleries on Earth. People from across the world come to see it and their murmurs and exclamations of surprise…

Religion and Philosophy in 2024

This month we have a special article on AI – Artificial Intelligence – which has become a significant issue across the world, both in its nature and what it produces, or potentially may produce.  A dear brother in the field…

Law and Justice in 2024

Challenges for the Corporate Christian Lawyer  (by Monica Doumit, originally published in the Transforming Sydney Newsletter – May 2015)  A little while ago, I was invited to give a talk to a group of university students on the challenges of…