Charity and Not for Profit Welfare in 2024

Development of a Non-denominational Christian University in Australia 

(by Phil Doecke) 

In 2020, after a period of prayerful reflection and discussion, three Christian men who had had careers in tertiary education in Australia and overseas, recognised the urgent need for a university which is quite different from what is currently available in Australia—one which would transform Christian higher education culture. They formed a company whose purpose was the establishment of a full Christian University, where academic excellence meets spiritual growth. The company’s vision is for a holistic education that integrates faith, learning and service. Regardless of their field of study, students will be equipped to become leaders in the field they choose—they will become lights of [and in] the world (Matthew 5:14). 

The Need 

Why build a Christian university in Australia? Aren’t the existing Australia universities adequate? 

There is a significant niche available for a high quality research and teaching Christian university established and located in Australia. 

Our experience and research of Australian universities reveal shortcomings in values, leadership and support, especially for Christian students. 

Christian students in Australia often experience little or no Christian worldview support in secular universities—many are discouraged and may lose their faith. 

The Response 

We seek to develop and contribute to the advancement of the Christian tertiary education system in Australia, and internationally, in a way that allows joy in the Creator to accompany the discovery and learning of knowledge. It will require establishing a Christian community of scholars actively involved in teaching, research and community service in ways that glorify God and subscribe to its Statement of Faith. It points to the need for a new, privately based Christian university. 

The company that was formed to own and develop this project is AUSTRALIAN CHRISTIAN TERTIARY EDUCATION LTD. 

There are existing Christian institutions of higher education in Australia: 

  • two Catholic, founded in 1989 and 1991 (respectively); one Seventh Day Adventist university founded as a college in 1897, and receiving full university accreditation in 2021. 
  • two university colleges 
  • University of Divinity: a specialist university of ten theological colleges of diverse denominations spread across Australia 
  • Other smaller Bible colleges. 

Historically, most original European universities were based upon Christian study and theology, liberal arts, including ethics, philosophy, history and law. 

The oldest, Bologna in Italy, commenced with civics, law, medicine, philosophy, then science. However, Oxford, the second oldest university, it’s first offerings were theology, law, medicine, and the liberal arts. 

Harvard, the first institution of higher learning in the United States, opened with rhetoric, mathematics, Latin, preparing many for careers in the church or in law. 

Australian universities – starting from the University of Sydney (1850) – were intentionally public and secular places, avoiding any theological foundation, although some had a school or department of theology or religion. Typically, however, they had a leading theologian such as a bishop on the academic board. 

The Proposal 

ACTE purposes to establish a Christian university based upon character development for all participants (staff and students) being nurtured under the key pillars of: 

  • Truth – life, leadership and education all based upon the truth of Scripture 
  • Transformation – in whatever role held, each person’s growth is supported in their Christian walk 
  • Testimony – so that, each person joyfully shares the Gospel through their own life and practice. 

We envisage a model similar to Christian universities in USA (eg Biola University where Dr Doecke taught 2002-2005), yet meeting TEQSA (Australian regulator) statutory requirements. Characteristics of the proposed university are:

  • Non-denominational Christian 
  • On campus residential requirement for at least the first three years and the development of a strong residential student culture 
  • Wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs offered, addressing graduate, research, career and national needs identified by the Australian Government and industry, along with evident community and regional needs. To commence, we’re considering: 
    • Science and Technology 
    • Human Studies 
    • Business and Commerce 
    • Theology & Christian Studies 
  • Academic and administrative staff affirm the Statement of Faith (constructed on the Nicene Creed and the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy
  • All students take and pass a Bible minor as a prerequisite for eligibility to graduate 
  • Clear cross-disciplinary and learning levels providing efficient academic engagement 
  • Research centres established from the outset. 

Therefore, ACTE aims to provide non-denominational, multidisciplinary research, learning and teaching opportunities for Australian, Asian and Pacific students and academics from within a Christian worldview.

Building a Community of Excellence 

To produce university graduates who are different from what we currently see, the university needs to be structured differently. The vision for this non-denominational, private, Christian university is one where students live on campus, creating an environment where spiritual and emotional growth can occur—in a unique Christian, personal growth and learning community. 

The Lord Jesus changed the world by spending most of His time in a close group situation with his disciples. They learned best by listening to, asking questions, observing and experiencing his divine knowledge through closeness to Him. This is a great model of discipling and mentoring—and building Christian community. 

A Christian Community 

  • Build a Christian residential campus where students live and study 
  • Embed a spiritual culture on campus to nurture spiritual growth and develop a rich foundational Christian worldview 
  • Provide non-denominational Christ-centred weekly worship, prayer, Bible study and embed the Bible into higher learning in all degrees 
  • Provide excellent recreation, sports and fitness facilities 

A Learning Community

  • Develop a community of Christian scholars involved in the highest standards of teaching, research and engagement 
  • Ensure that both students and academics are engaged in community activities 
  • Implement innovative learning to build strong bonds between students, teachers and the community 
  • Ensure opportunities for travel and work experience 

A Personal Growth Community

  • Enhance the spiritual, social, emotional, and intellectual learning and living environment 
  • Seek to develop the whole person – spiritually, confidence, knowledge, global awareness, community, and respect 
  • Seek to build ethically sound and insightful leaders 
  • Develop critical thinking skills and instil a desire for lifelong learning 

Purpose Statement of Australian Christian Tertiary Education Ltd (ACTE) 

ACTE’s purpose is to provide an organisational business platform that facilitates the development and advancement of Christian Tertiary Education in Australia and internationally. It is to facilitate the creation of a Christian community of scholars actively involved in teaching, research and community service in ways that glorify God and subscribe to its Statement of Faith.

  • Our vision is to establish a world recognised and influential non-denominational Christian university in South East Queensland, Australia, operating at the highest standards of teaching, research and engagement; building the whole person to the glory of God. The university will be one founded on Biblical authority and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, equipping all in mind and character.

Opportunities and Challenges 

A Preliminary Analysis report recently undertaken identified a largely untouched regional Christian tertiary market. Moreover, it revealed a strong need for a community engaged Christian university with sound international connections. 

We note that Christianity is growing rapidly in Asia, but Christian tertiary education institutional standards rank poorly in terms of teaching, research and resources (however, Asian secular universities are rising in credibility). 

Despite recently announced international student restrictions, Australia continues to be a popular destination for Asian and other international student study. Subsequently, programs and outcomes for higher education ought to be held to a higher standard, that practices for fast-tracking students through programs, and practices displaying poor academic integrity are more likely to be held to account. We can strongly support the tightening of high standards of academic integrity and excellences. 

Primary challenges we face at this time include greatly expanding our current strong supporter and volunteer base through promotional events, media connections, and applying fundraising options. 

We therefore are currently seeking God in further prayer, building business and political connections to expand our networks, and launching requests for more substantial financial support. 


If this vision makes sense to you, could you prayerfully consider connecting with ACTE? There are several ways you could contribute to moving this project forwards, towards it’s becoming a reality. 

  • By praying. 
  • By sharing these details with your church, your church’s leadership team, Bible study, or prayer group. 
    Share with folk you know who may be interested—especially those who may choose to send their children or grandchildren to study in a Christian university. 
  • Volunteer your support, letting us know how you may be able to help. 
  • Financial support – small amounts help us meet our operational and development costs. 
  • Larger amounts help build the endowment upon which capital development and growth can be established. 

Phil Doecke (PhD) 
+61 (0)484 356 937 
PO Box 7398 Sippy Downs QLD 4556 

Daily Prayer for Charity and Not for Profit Welfare in September 

(compiled by Bjorn Schmid, originally published in the Transforming Sydney Newsletter, August 2015) 

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good and His mercy endures forever. Intercede before the throne of grace of our Lord – the Giver of Life, the Lord of the Harvest. 

Day in September 

Prayer Support 

1 – Pray that God calls many to intercede for His people to serve those with physical, emotional and spirituals needs in the community (Job 30:25). 

2 – Pray that those called to pray will respond and be faithful in prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:16-28). 

3 – Pray that the physical, mental and spiritual health of intercessors will be strengthened so that they do not become weary or despondent (Proverbs 27:17). 

4 – Pray for spiritual wholeness and holiness in those called for intercession, so that the enemy will be prevented from diverting and deceiving intercessors (Ephesians 5:10-11). 

Births and Calling 

5 – Pray that God will bestow the heart of service into more people even as He forms them in their mothers’ wombs so that all their lives they are drawn to help others in need (Psalm 139:13-14). 

6 – Pray that God will bestow gifts of wisdom and discernment on people called for service so that they wisely use resources entrusted to them (Luke 2:40). 

7 – Pray that those called of God for service will be protected and nurtured in Godly ways through their childhood and youth (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22). 

8 – Pray that the called for service will encounter and be inspired by the right people during their developing years and be given the opportunities to serve (Colossians 3:16-17). 

9 – Pray that the enemy’s purpose to steal, kill and destroy the chosen of God be thwarted and turned to God’s glory; that children are born and raised to serve God rather than be aborted, abused or deceived away from their calling (Psalm 91). 

10 – Research and pray for local charities and welfare groups in your suburb or local government area. 

Partners and Family 

11 – Pray that families will be held together in God’s word and grace and protected from deception and mistrust from without (Matthew 7:18-20). 

12 – Pray that families will be glad to see their children called for service and support them as they are able (Psalm 37:25-26). 

13 – Pray that those called for service without a married partner will meet and marry a person who will support and join them in service (Proverbs 31:20). 

14 – Pray that those called for service and are to remain single will be consoled and compensated in their calling (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17). 

Anointing & Commissioning 

15 – Pray for an increase in commitments by people young and old to share the gospel of Christ through serving communities, in both direct involvement and in administration, and pray for their guidance to the right organisations to prepare them, send them, and support them in their calling (Mark 10:21). 

16 – Pray for fervour in those who make these commitments to stick to their promise, to prepare themselves appropriately, and to habitually seek God for guidance in all they do (James 1:22-25). 

17 – Pray for spiritual gifts and fruit to be manifested in those who have committed to serve communities; let God be glorified through these graces and may His heart be revealed to those in need (1 Timothy 4:11-14). 

18 – Pray for those who are serving in the communities now; that they continue to trust in the Lord and that He shows them daily miracles of provision and mercy so that they are encouraged and praise Him (Matthew 6:31-33). 

19 – Research and pray for charities and welfare groups in your city or region/surrounding towns. 

Leadership and Mentoring 

20 – Pray for the leadership of welfare and charity organisations; pray for their hearts to always be close to God and His will and wisdom so that they have a maximum impact to reach the needs of communities and glorify God (Psalm 23). 

21 – Pray for the leaders of missions and branch offices, that they are good custodians of the people and resources under their care, and always reflecting the nature of Christ (Titus 1:7-9). 

22 – Pray that leaders will be or will appoint mentors and coaches to all staff in to encourage them (Hebrews 10:24-25). 

Legal Passage, Favour and Provision 

23 – Pray for doors to open to let God’s people called to serve the communities, that there are no legal impediments, and that they receive favour from church and civil authorities (Exodus 3:21). 

24 – Pray for unity between Churches and Christian organisations and the total defeat of competitive attitudes so that the gospel of Christ is unimpeded (2 Corinthians 9:7). 

25 – Pray for generous hearts in both Christians and those who do not yet believe, to supply all that is needed for organisations and missions to provide their service and to pay their people a reasonable remuneration so that they can sustain themselves and their families (Deuteronomy 15:11). 

26 – Pray that funding and other resources are being invested in now for future use in welfare and charity missions; pray for protection from theft, misuse and corruption (Deuteronomy 14:28-29). 

27 – Research and pray for the charities and welfare groups that operate across your nation. 

28 – Research and pray for charities and welfare groups in your country that operate overseas. 

Bibles and Teaching Materials 

29 – Pray for the production of quality bibles, discipleship guides, educational and practical self-help materials and media in all languages that are needed where God is sending His people so that they are able to use and distribute these free to all who will benefit from them (2 Timothy 3:14-17). 

Praise and Thanksgiving 

30 – Colossians 3:17 
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” 
Psalm 145:3-4 
“Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; 
    his greatness no one can fathom. 
One generation commends your works to another; 
    they tell of your mighty acts.” 
(excerpts from the NIV). 

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