Prayers for the Sphere of Government and the Military

(prepared by Lilian Schmid)

These strategies have been given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ and for His glory – please share with others as God leads you.

Pray with Confidence

Here is the verse where a powerful piece of revelation is being given to us to us by the Lord:

“Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:19)

Jesus Himself will actually be in the midst of us believers who are praying in agreement and in union with one another to God the Father. This also means Jesus is hearing our prayers loud and clear, and because Jesus is hearing us, He brings our prayers directly to the Father.

“His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 3:10)

Use the Internet to look up the details and names of people and organisations that are part of this Sphere of Influence. On most Internet web pages are links to other pages and web sites these links are doors. As you click in to open them and pray, they will opened to you with the Holy Spirit. He will guide you through the area that need prayers, starting with the minister of the portfolio.

The more doors you open the more you uphold these government departments and military divisions in your prayers. Breakthroughs will take place as we dig in; you find where the enemy is hiding and you can take authority in Jesus name and ask the Holy Spirit to in earnest prayer clean the people and organisations.

God will also give you more doors to open so that you will find all the information that you need for prayer.

Finally, don’t just pray in general, pray for individuals by name – ultimately they are all eternal beings and beloved of God as you are.

Pray for Government & Military Leaders

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

The following has some Australian-specific content but you can adapt for your region or country.

Who should we pray for?

  • Federal Government: the Prime Minister, cabinet, individual ministers and their portfolios, leader of the Opposition, all MPs and Senators from parties and independent, both houses of parliament, parliamentary staff. In March 2020:
    • Pray for the Prime Minister and Minister for the Public Service 
      The Hon Scott Morrison MP
    • Pray for the Minister for Indigenous Australians 
      The Hon Ken Wyatt AM MP
    • Pray for the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Transport and Regional Development
      The Hon Michael McCormack MP
    • Pray for the Minister for Agriculture, Drought, and Emergency Management
      The Hon David Littleproud MP
    • Pray for the Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure
      The Hon Alan Tudge MP
    • Pray for the Treasurer
      The Hon Josh Frydenberg MP
    • Find the Ministry List of the government (currently the 46th Parliament) in the Parliamentary Handbook at the Parliament of Australia website (click links or search the web yourself) and please uphold all of the Ministers in your prayers.
  • The Governor-General (General the Honourable David Hurley) and the Queen (Elizabeth II).
  • The diplomatic service; ambassadors, diplomats and their staff.
  • Protection services: Border protection, Army, Navy and Air Force heads and services, all serving members and previously serving members.
  • RSL clubs, and other support services for current and retired members of the military.
  • State & Territory Governments; premier, cabinet, ministers, MPs – from parties and independent, parliamentary staff.
  • State Governors.
  • The public service and commissions, ministry departments, committees and regulatory bodies.
  • Municipal and local government: mayors, town clerks, executives, aldermen and staff.

Use the Internet to look up the details and names of the people in these leadership roles – don’t just pray in general, pray for individuals by name – ultimately they are all eternal beings and beloved of God as you are.

What should we pray for them?

  • Pray for their salvation.
  • Pray specifically that the Lord will send people to them who can witness to them.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will convict them to repent and confess their sins.
  • Pray for them for pure lives and good wisdom.
  • Pray for their families (spouses and children) and for their salvation.
  • Pray that God will intervene in their daily duties.
  • Pray that God reveals His truth and open their eyes to run this nation with integrity and respect.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will pour out the love of God into their lives so they will be transformed.
  • Pray that they rule our nation with honesty and let God’s hands be upon them in their daily lives.
  • Pray that the plans of those who are involved in plots and unholy conspiracies will be broken.
  • Pray against the spirit of Jezebel in Government.
  • Pray and resist the influence of the evil powers on the lives of individuals in Jesus’ Name.
  • Pray to Break the strongholds of the Evil One in politics and in individual’s lives.
  • Pray to break the evil plans of Satan in the hearts of people in positions of authority.
  • Pray that leaders will realise that they were appointed by God and that He gave them authority so that they will act responsibly and that they will they will have to give account to God of everything that they do.
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will capture their thoughts and that He will dominate their thinking.

Pray for the Families of Leaders

Our leaders have families and responsibilities outside their political and governmental duties, but do face some challenges with their families and people they deal with on regular basis. Leaders also work long hours in the office, many government leaders sacrifice time with their family to serve their constituents. Their families are also more often in the spotlight.

Let us stand in the gap and we ask our heavenly Father to strengthen our leaders, protect them and give the wisdom to rule:

We thank you Lord, for the men and women who serve our country in leadership roles and for their families. Show them Lord your mercy and grace. Give them peace when their work takes them away from their families. We also pray specifically for the wives, husbands, and children of our leaders. We ask that You draw near to them and give them the wisdom on how to best support one another while their loved one is away working.
We are so grateful for the staff of our leaders, Lord. They have important jobs in all government departments. Thank You for the ways You have giving them your gifts to lead this nation with integrity and respect. Provide them with the knowledge needed to approach each situation in the best way possible. Help them to know You and see Your presence in the work they do.
Protect them all and we continue to pray for their salvation and the salvation of their families.


Praying for Government by Portfolio

We started this initiative some years ago and we continue to uphold our Government in Australia in prayer. Our focus here is by each Portfolio in the Government, and we continue to ask our Lord for His wisdom, strength, power, motivation, and all energies to continue our mission to pray for our leaders. We hope this strategy can be used across the world.

What is a Portfolio?

From the Australian Government Directory:

“A portfolio is a minister’s area of responsibility as a member of Cabinet. As a general rule, there is one department in each portfolio.”

The Governor-General appoints ministers, establishes departments of state and allocates responsibility among ministers through an Administrative Arrangements Order (AAO). Each government department has its own departmental website with ministers and parliamentary secretaries often having their own websites as well. Within each portfolio there are also numerous agency and program websites.

Example Prayer Strategy for a Portfolio

Try the ministry of Agriculture and Water and see where the Holy Spirit will take you. to transform a nation we need to start praying for its Government.

Agriculture and Water Resources

Portfolio – Agriculture and Water Resources

Department of Agriculture and Water Resources

Portfolios in Australian Government

Perhaps you could pick one portfolio per day in March, or cover each in full over the coming months by praying for one portfolio  per week.

As at February 2020 they are:

Lord hear our prayers! 

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