(Word from Kim Chatwin-Smith 24 September 2019)
Hosea 4:6 – “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”
Ladies, Father God has a Question …
“How is your Family faring?
“When you minister outside of our own family, are you acting with-in the covering that your Husband provides through the Spiritual Federal Headship covering of your Marriage? Does he even know what you are doing? Or, have you stepped out from under the covering and assumed it’s OK with Me?”
Word of Knowledge
We are often involved, focussing outside of our homes and families, ‘being useful’ with food banks and prayer teams, running outreach errands and helps ministries … but, is that what we are being asked by Father God to focus on? Are we doing ‘busy work’ and missing Father God’s direction?
Life is a Miracle. Eternal Life is God’s will. As Parents and Grand-Parents we have been given the gift of creating Life by Lord God Almighty. We are custodians of not only the Life He gave us individually, but our descendant’s Lives. Father God has structured Family to align with His will.
All too often, we are busy looking outside of our homes and families ‘to be of service’ in ministry – without considering the stewardship we have already been given. A man’s marriage and family is his first church. As wives, are we fulfilling the role of helpmeet to him? (Genesis 2:18). Are we putting this priority first physically and spiritually? Are we aiding or, abetting his Spiritual Federal Headship of our families? Have we chosen to do our own thing? Have we usurped the Godly position of our Husband in our households? Have we encouraged him to be lazy or inconsistent where the things of The Lord God are concerned? Do we think our ministry and service will hide his laissez faire attitude? For all our work for the Kingdom, Father God’s Question remains … “How is your Family faring?”
Teaching and Commentary:
What is Federal Headship?
The concept of Federal Headship in both the Old and New Testaments. Fathers are imbued by Father God with the transfer of His divine covering of protection and blessing for their families. When a father sins, there is a hole that is punched in that covering; the covering then leaks like a leaky tent, and because the fathers have failed to be faithful, obedient and to maintain their spiritual covenant with Father God, their wives are affected, as are their descendants.
There are two kinds of effects of Fathers’ sins in the lives of their children:
- Rebellion against God
- Calamities of judgment that God brings on the children
The visitation of the Fathers’ sins on the children is not simplistically a punishment of innocent children for what the fathers did. The children themselves are always seen as sinful and rebellious whilst the Father’s sin is worked out in their lives. We are not told how this rebellious condition is passed to, or, “visited upon” the children. God has the right to punish Fathers by the calamities that come upon their children.
Jeremiah 16:10-11 – “For what reason has the LORD declared all this great calamity against us?.. It is because your forefathers have forsaken Me”,
But, He chooses to do this in a way that justly correlates with the children’s own guilt.
Deuteronomy 32:1-5 – “Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.
My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass:
Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God.
He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.
They have corrupted themselves, their spot is not the spot of his children: they are a perverse and crooked generation.”
Failure to “Hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God”, and “Diligently obey” Father God are the two primary choices that result in the judgement and Cursing. Spirits of Rejection and Rebellion and Spiritual architypes of Ahab and Jezebel work symbiotically to Destroy the Family Priesthood (Ahab’s manifestation), through laziness and abrogation of male authority, which then allows witchcraft to manifest and prosper. Chaos, deception and lying, disfunction and division, bitterness, jealousy and hatred, are hallmark manifestations of and the fruit of a leaky covering of the family’s Federal Headship.
These Generational Spirits that come into a family line because of cursing, drive behaviours compounding generational failure in the things of Father God. (Deuteronomy 22:58-68)
Exodus 20:1-6 – And God spake all these words, saying,
“I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.”
And, He reiterates these commands in the Covenant Promises made on Mounts Ebal and Gerizim in Deuteronomy 27-28
I ask the Question, for the 3rd time …
“How is your Family faring?”
Destruction of the Family Priesthood does not happen in a vacuum. 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 and Acts18:26, describes the Covering of Family Federal Headship and that it is still in play, even in a church and or ministry environment.
If this Word from Father God has annoyed you or you feel opposed to the content, then
He said ask Me … Why?
It is a reasonable aim of any parent to give their child the best start possible. This is Father God’s will towards you (His beloved child) and your family. Removing Ahab, the Destroyer of the Family Priesthood, starts with the discernment of and removal of Jezebel. (Revelation 2:18-29)
[21(a) And] …I gave her space to repent of her fornication;
Father God’s ‘best start’ for you and your Family involves Repentance, and your cutting off of the Satanic legal right and influence, all the way back to Adam. As Wives, Mothers and Grand-Mothers, we have a pivotal role to play in the righteous alignment of our family under the Federal Headship appointed by Father God, and this starts with our own self-examination.
Father God identified there is a ‘quickening’ window of opportunity “Now!”
Holy Spirit Revelation is the only mechanism for honest reflection. The Holy Spirit brings us to Repentance and leads us into all truth. Use your relationship with Father God as your first point of call for help and deliverance:
Then Father God says … “Ask Me…”
How is my Family Faring?
“Ask Me…”
When I minister outside of my own family, am I acting with-in the covering that my Husband provides through the Spiritual Federal Headship of my Marriage?
“Ask Me…”
Does he know what I am doing?
“Ask Me…”
Have I stepped out from under the covering and assumed it’s OK with You Father God?
“Yield your heart to Me”
Pray something like this:
Father God show me my heart the way You see it.
Reveal to me all that is unholy in me, all unholy actions, behaviours, habits, thoughts, and beliefs; all that keeps me from drawing closer to You and from knowing You to the fullest of intimacy.
I desire that our intimacy with each other grow daily and rapidly, moment by moment. I want to know You more and more, Father, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit.
Do not hide Yourself from me. I yearn for you and my desire is for You to possess me Father God.
Holy Spirit, by the scalpel of Your Word and the Blood of Lord Jesus, do Your operation on me through my faith in Lord Jesus. (Colossians 2)
Apply your knife of the work of the cross to my flesh, and the soul-life that agrees with it, in a steady and persistent manner.
Be relentless, Holy Spirit. Cut out of me all pride, stubbornness, secret pride, secret sin, presumption, ambition, and all that is of self, self-will, self-promotion, self-indulgence, all desires for self-gratification or self-aggrandizement, all ministry rooted in ‘self’ and ‘self-promotion!’, all unholy habits and appetites, all sins of the tongue, sins of the heart, sins of the flesh, the lust of the eye, lust of the ‘flesh’, and pride of life.
[add anything else that the Holy Spirit suggests, including binding Ahab, son of Ahab, casting out Jezebel and daughter of Jezebel]
Get me out of the world, Lord, and get the world out of me.
Search my heart where I cannot see or realise. Show me what I do not know I am, in the natural.
Cut out of me all that is unholy and unrighteous in Your eyes.
Make me to be able to stand before You, O Lord, and not to be appointed to the day of wrath.
I cry unto You, Lord Jesus Christ. I abide in You, I depend and rely on You for all of these things as I take possession of them by Your Grace, and by trusting and expectant faith, calling them applied to my life.
ALL in Your Name and for Your Glory, Lord Jesus Christ,
Your Further Prayer and Instruction
Be prepared for Spiritual Opposition (Ephesians 6). Use the above prayer regime Daily.
Be prepared to change the focus of your position. Be prepared to stand down from the ministry you are involved in. Guard against the pull-on, or compulsion, that distracts you from dealing with your personal prayer and prayer for the Righteous Alignment of your Family.
Through the leading of My Holy Spirit – Ask your Husband to pray for you and your family.
Through the leading of My Holy Spirit – Speak prophetically into your Husband and Children’s lives. Your words are creative – let them reflect the love of the Lord Jesus. Be intentional in your engagement with your Husband and Children, in the Light of Lord Jesus Love.
Bind to your family the Love of Lord Jesus Christ and the Righteous Alignment of your Family.
Then Father God says … “Ask Me…”
How is my Family Faring?
And the Lord said your will hear in due time
“Well done yeah good and faithful servant!”
All Praise and Glory to God Almighty,
through the power and might of the Holy Spirit,
in the Name of my Lord Jesus Christ.
Kim Chatwin-Smith
Numbers 6:24-26 (KJV) – “The LORD bless thee, and keep thee: The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.”